More Sources than Inputs


I am looking at a Joule Electra LA 100 Mk III that unfortunately has only 3 inputs plus a tape input. I have 4 sources plus a tape deck. How do you guys reasonably get around this? I already know that an option is get another preamp that can accommodate that, but I am keen on the Joule.


Showing 1 response by jameswei

I bought a source switcher (Monster Cable Director AV 4.1) for this. I plugged my non-hifi sources into it -- tuner and VCR -- and plugged it into my preamp. Clearly, I wouldn't use it with my purest sources, phono or digital discs. I can't find this product for sale any more, so I would recommend any source switcher. Sony used to make a few models. Ultimately, I upgraded my preamp to another one with more inputs from the same manufacturers.