Movies that featured High End equipment

I was wondering what movies featured high end audio equipment.The ones i can recall are:9 1/2 weeks,Wall Street and some old Sandra Bullock movie about monkeys and some magic potion (they had Krell system in it).

That's about it.Anyone can add something to it?Thanks

Showing 4 responses by synthfreek

There's a Twilight Zone episode where this guy listens to sound effects records really loud using Mcintosh tube monoblocks(maybe some MC-30's) and I believe some Dynaco A-25 speakers. I can't remember what turntable he had but I'd guess a Thorens.
I'd be willing to bet that KRK studio monitors were in Juno and not B&W's. They are WAY more prevalent than B&W's in studios and they have bright yellow drivers.