Movies that featured High End equipment

I was wondering what movies featured high end audio equipment.The ones i can recall are:9 1/2 weeks,Wall Street and some old Sandra Bullock movie about monkeys and some magic potion (they had Krell system in it).

That's about it.Anyone can add something to it?Thanks
In the movie Broken Flowers, Bill Murray's character has NHT speakers in his home theater setup.
There's a Twilight Zone episode where this guy listens to sound effects records really loud using Mcintosh tube monoblocks(maybe some MC-30's) and I believe some Dynaco A-25 speakers. I can't remember what turntable he had but I'd guess a Thorens.
Just watched Juno (great movie by the way, highly recommended), and Jason Bateman's character has a pair of B&W 600 series speakers in his music composing room. The kevlar drivers give it away every time.