NAD C325 or 326Bee efficient enough for PSB towers

Hello all.
I am totally newbie in hi-fi audio gear but would like to start a journey.

Since there are too many good/better choice out there, I just narrowed my focus onto budget-minded used gear for NAD and PSB combination.

My room is moderate size(20 by 16) and mainly be used as music system(love all kind of genre but not a fan of hip hop/rap).
I am considering PSB image T65 or its newer version T5 or T6 tower speakers(found $500~600 range, but I'm not sure which one is better for me though).

The question is :
Are PSB image T6/T5 better than old T65?
Does NAD C325Bee or C326Bee be efficient enough to drive those speakers?

I appreciate all your critics and recommendations for my setup plan.


I owned an NAD 320BEE and PSB T55s a few years ago. It was a great combo for the money. However, the 320BEE was the limiting factor, as it could have used a bit more drive. The T65 may demand a bit more than the T55, but I'm not 100% sure.

You may want to look at T55 and the next NAD up, power wise if your budget is maxed out. I preferred the T55 over the T65, even with more power, as I thought the T65 was a bit too bass heavy. Everyone's ears are different, as are their rooms.

I really liked the several NAD pieces I've owned over the years. Great sound for the money. I've also owned a few PSBs and feel the same way about them. There's better out there, far better actually, but it'll cost you multiples of the NAD and PSB stuff to make it worth while. My next step was and still is Bryston, as I thought it took that level of gear to make an upgrade worthwhile. That should tell you how highly I think of NAD and PSB.

Get a good source too!
The c326bee could power the PSB towers but I would go for a little more and get a c355/c356. I know there were some c355's available at a discount now that the c356 is out.

I have also dealt with David at DMC and strongly suggest contacting him if you are in the market for NAD and/or PSB.
If your budget allows for it, I would suggest going with the c356bee and the larger towers (T55/65). This way you will not have buyers remorse.
The c326bee could power the PSB towers but I would go for a little more and get a c355/c356. I know there were some c355's available at a discount now that the c356 is out.

I have also dealt with David at DMC and strongly suggest contacting him if you are in the market for NAD and/or PSB.
If your budget allows for it, I would suggest going with the c356bee and the larger towers (T55/65). This way you will not have buyers remorse.
i am interested in buying a pair of t65, particularly if they can be had for 770$ - can't find them on AA - can you still find them?

Saturday Audio Exchange (chicago) has B stock image T6 for 959$ - not sure if they are worth it if you have to have them shipped...

I have heard some people state that the T6's have better mids compared to the t65's, o/w have not read much. have not heard either
Whooops! Yes you are right.
It would be 1 speaker price.

I just emailed to DMC and am waiting for the answer.

Thanks for your great recommendation Hieule5.
I will keep posting....

IMO, nobody can beat PSB in terms of price. Soundwise, PSB could get to 8.75 out of 10 and I would give Dynaudio 10 but then again the price difference is insane. I have much respect for the designers of Dynaudio & PSB.

If you have a bit more $$$ & time, audition a pair of Dynaudio, from the cheapest line DM that I currently own to the most expensive line Confidence and you will understand why I love the Dyns. They perform consistently regardless of price point.

PSB is very much similar to Dynaudio in that field.

I like a few Totem models like the Arro & the Rainmaker but that is it.

The rest, Magico, Sonus Faber, Focal, & whatever the name of the biggest British speaker company, I don't care about:-))

That's my point...:-)) Stay with PSB & NAD and your pocket book will thank you.

I think that price is for 1 speaker so the price for a pair of T65 is $770.

If they still have the T65 get them rather than the T6, I do think that the T65s are great speakers for the money. I currently own Dynaudio & used to own Totem so I think I know how good these PSB T65 are.

Did you check with David at DMC Electronics? He is an authorized dealer of both PSB & NAD. His price is usually lower than many other places.
Thanks for your info and I 120% agree that I would love The Dynaudio and/or Totems. But....way over my budget.

And one more thing to mention. sells PSBs at pretty much lower than others. Image T65 for $385 and Imgae T6 for $599. Something wrong with them?
DO I have to stay away?

The PSB T65 is sold for $800 per pair. The Totem Forest another good speaker is sold for $3,500-$3,700 depends on finish.

Dynaudio Focus 220, IF you have a deep pocket book and IF you can get a used/demo pair used for $2,300, get a pair. They are only a hair below the Dynaudio Confidence which is the line of speaker that I love to own.

Dynaudio & Totem are well known for mimicking acoustic or string instrument but they are much more expensive than PSB.

Just stick with PSB, your pocket book will thank you.

I am speaking from ownership experience.

NAD & PSB are great choices. I like David the owner at DMC Electronics. He is a great guy and his prices are better than many other places.

In my experience, Dynaudio & PSB are probably the only two companies that consistently produce great speakers. If you have a decent budget, Dynaudio is a great choice. If not, PSB offers you the most bang for your buck.

I do own a NAD 326BEE and I like it a lot. And the C326BEE has 2 sub outputs which I like better than I like the C325BEE.

I use the NAD 326BEE to drive my Dynaudio DM 2/10 without any difficulties. The Dyns are 4 ohm loads and are not efficient speakers at all. I have also used the 326BEE for my JBL S38 without any issues at all.

The C326BEE is a bit more refined than the C325BEE but that is only my own opinion. People may disagree.

Both NAD 325BEE & 326BEE should be able to handle your PSB T65 or T6 with ease provided you do not ask for great bass definition at low volume level.

I have auditioned a pair of PBS T65 driven by a NAD C315BEE at David's shop and they sound great together.
On the digital player front, a very cheap option is the Yamaha DVD-S1800 (discontinued and now going for $80 on Amazon). I have one and think it's a great player--as good or better than the Oppo DV980-H it replaced. I haven't used it for video, but it doesn't sound like you would be either.
Thanks guys. I am now much comfortable with C325bee. C320 is hard to find theses days though.

Neoagnusdei/ What is your choice of speaker for string instrument and piano?
Yes, NAD C325BEE can handle PSB speakers at ease. It's 50W rating is sufficient to drive even 4 ohms tower speakers.
I am currently using C320BEE with Monitor Audio RS1, hanging on the wall in my exercise room. I can blast them up to 100 dB for 30 minutes or so while I am exercising on treadmill.

I owned T65 for few months and I enjoyed them. Prodigious bass output and dynamics are their strong points. Only minor shortcoming is that they do not produce acoustic instruments, especially string instruments well.
You might consider the C320BEE as well. It is the model just before the 325 and might serve you very well for a bit less of an investment used.
Yeh.. I'm too looking at that model. Or, I further consider universal player, like NAD T535, simply due to its SACD capability.

What is your thought? Does NAD's dedicated CD player sound better than multiformat utility player?
Price range would be $150~350.
Czar2000....What will you be using for your source? If you are looking for a budget CD player,I highly suggest the NAD C515BEE.I had one in my system as a spare and it was fantastic.At $299.00 new it is one of the best bargains in audio.Just a thought.
Thanks for your input. Yep I really should check with them.
BTW, here is an interesting review on PSB's new image line.

I am opt for C325bee + T6 now.
Either amp will be fine but for a room your size,I would opt for a more powerful amp,say a C355BEE.I have not heard the T5 or the T6 but I have heard the T65 and I thought it sounded great for the money.I highly reccommend you try to audition the equipment if possible.These are 3 NAD authorized online retailers.Spearitsound, DMC Electronics and Saturday Audio Exchange.I have done business with Spearitsound and was totally pleased.DMC and SAE sells NAD and PSB.I think if you contact either and talk to them about your needs they will help you.As inexpensive as NAD and PSB is,I would opt for new equipment with the peace of mind knowing you have a warranty,but that's just me.OTOH,buying used will save a bundle of money if a warranty isn't important to you. NAD and PSB are owned by the same parent company and work very well together