Need Help Trouble shooting

I Have a hum coming from my right speaker
I tried swapping speaker leads and the hum moves to the other speaker
i'm thinking it's a tube and i'ts my amp that is the issue
If it is a tube not sure if it's the output or input tubes I should be looking at
The pre when in operate mode without Amps on the hum is gone

Help me trouble shoot further
Swap the pre>amp ICs and listen for the hum to follow (or not). If it follows, then it's either the preamp or the source, and you then need to restore the pre>amp ICs and swap the source>pre ICs. If the hum follows the source>pre IC swap, then it's the source.

If you determine it's the amp, then as Joeylawn36111 says, you need to swap pairs of tubes L>R one pair at a time, restoring each swap if the hum does not follow, and repeating the process until the hum follows the swap.
It could be a defective cable. Happened to me on several occasions. Try another pair. Good luck, Dave
I did a bit more trouble shooting
and swapping out the interconnect from pre to cdp caused the hum to switch to the other speaker ??
I swapped amp tubes from side to side (monoblocks)
I swapped tubes in my pre amp no difference the hum still exists

Maybe it could be the source
If I hooked up my tuner and the hum disapears is it safe to say it's the source or tubes in the source
If I hooked up my tuner and the hum disapears is it safe to say it's the source or tubes in the source
Musicfile (System | Threads | Answers)
Yes. It could be either. My guess is a tube in the source.

If you swap in the tuner, and the hum still exists, and the hum follows a tuner>pre IC swap, then it's the IC as Dopogue suggested. Be certain the arrows on your ICs are pointing toward the preamp.
It's not the interconnects for this testing I put in another pair of interconnects and the humming still exists

Anyone know what tubes go into an Exempar Denon 2900
Is it easy to swap these out
This link to the Exemplar Denon 2900 lists the tubes used. I owned one of these players. Swapping the tubes is easy. You just have to unscrew the top cover and remove it to expose the tubes.
Any tube recommendations for the Exemplar that works well
I belive I have standard 5965 tubes in mine.
I think I used Amperex 7062, but I didn't spend much time or effort trying many types from several manufacturers.

You might give John Tucker a call. He's very helpful.
Further update I swapped out cdp and put in the tuner and the hum is gone !!!!
The source is definitely the issue.. would tubes in the CD Player be the only culprit or should I get the cdp in for a check up as well

You guys have made my day

I just went through the same motion..The problem was traced to my preamplifier tubes..not from the amplifier..
It was by trial and error and labeling each tube every test so you do not mix them up..
good luck
03-12-08: Tvad
A bad tube is the likely culprit. Change the tube(s) first and listen.
Tvad (Threads | Answers)
Perhaps I should specify that you should swap the Exemplar's tubes L>R. If it's a faulty tube, the hum will follow the swap, and you will have tracked down problem.