Need Help Trouble shooting

I Have a hum coming from my right speaker
I tried swapping speaker leads and the hum moves to the other speaker
i'm thinking it's a tube and i'ts my amp that is the issue
If it is a tube not sure if it's the output or input tubes I should be looking at
The pre when in operate mode without Amps on the hum is gone

Help me trouble shoot further
Swap the pre>amp ICs and listen for the hum to follow (or not). If it follows, then it's either the preamp or the source, and you then need to restore the pre>amp ICs and swap the source>pre ICs. If the hum follows the source>pre IC swap, then it's the source.

If you determine it's the amp, then as Joeylawn36111 says, you need to swap pairs of tubes L>R one pair at a time, restoring each swap if the hum does not follow, and repeating the process until the hum follows the swap.
It could be a defective cable. Happened to me on several occasions. Try another pair. Good luck, Dave
I did a bit more trouble shooting
and swapping out the interconnect from pre to cdp caused the hum to switch to the other speaker ??
I swapped amp tubes from side to side (monoblocks)
I swapped tubes in my pre amp no difference the hum still exists

Maybe it could be the source
If I hooked up my tuner and the hum disapears is it safe to say it's the source or tubes in the source
If I hooked up my tuner and the hum disapears is it safe to say it's the source or tubes in the source
Musicfile (System | Threads | Answers)
Yes. It could be either. My guess is a tube in the source.

If you swap in the tuner, and the hum still exists, and the hum follows a tuner>pre IC swap, then it's the IC as Dopogue suggested. Be certain the arrows on your ICs are pointing toward the preamp.