Need Reel to Reel Tape Primer Sources

Where can I learn about reel to reel tapes so I can purchase intelligently blank reel to reel tapes? I've read bits and pieces about tape age, binders, sizes, thickness, Maxcell vs. Ampex vs. Scotch vs Realistic?, Regular tape vs. Chrome-magnetic, metal tape holders vs. plastic?, etc..., but no coherent explaination in one or two places that makes sense. Can anyone point a newbie in the right direction for information and grounding in this new undertaking? Or, share a few good pointers? I just bought a TEAC A 5500. Thanks.

Showing 1 response by johnss

I don't think the A5500 will handle the high bias tapes like 996 or Emtec 900.

There is plenty of NOS scotch 206 and 207, as well as maxell UDxl on ebay to source from.