New Audiogon equipment search format.

This new equipment search format is awful! What in the world were you thinking?
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To whoever at Audiogon that conceived, designed and implemented the new design. You did a wonderful spectacular job, but it has just one minor thing that is missing, should I be so bold to share my thoughts.

Please consider those of us that use and rely on this site for shopping, offer the option for the “List” format so we can use that when we are in the market to buy. And we can use the “peephole” when we are wanting to look at little pictures of audio equipment.

Thank you, and again, WOW Someone put a lot of work into this new format. But when shopping, it seems to be counter intuitive.

Not just my opinion form what I have read in a couple of threads.
Audiogon Official
07-03-2018 11:18am
"We really want to thank you for your feedback on the Search and Listing View changes. There were a few technical glitches with the search functionality, and we will be working quickly to rectify those to be more accurate. We will be introducing the ability to switch between the Classic View and the new Grid View in the coming days so that users have control over their preference. We appreciate your patience. Again, thank you for your support of Audiogon and for your honest opinion on this matter."
Effectively now the worst web site in the world . If they want to enhance it why not add filters so we can narrow a search, like balanced vs. SE cables and components, power ranges for amps, length of cables, etc. Something that would be very useful  instead of rendering the site useless with the new format. 
Has to be something along those lines
No adult web designer would admit to doing this work.....
This is almost as bad as Tannoy's new website.  They don't list specs or have spec sheets available for their most important speakers.
It appears that you can avoid the peep holes by paying an extra fee if your a dealer - Don't know how it works for private sellers.  As a dealer we pay a monthly fee to Audiogon for the privilege of listing.  In edition we pay a $ 4 fee per ad for listing which can be made bold for an extra fee, then featured for a larger extra fee and now there's an extra fee that gives you the option have all you images "thumb wheeled" what ever that means.  See links below for details

So if conduction a search on a specific item your pictures will be full format if you pay up - if you don't - look through the peep hole.  its all about the money :-)

Good Listening

Hate it!

Why don't we posters charge a fee for expertise/experience, which is really why Audiogon survives?
For the dealers that pay a monthly fee on Audiogon for listing.

This new format is a breach of contract - when we entered into agreement with Audiogon they promised to deliver a certain level of visibility for our ads.  This new format drastically reduces this visibility.  If we pay an extra fee per listing we will get the same visibility we had when we entered into the contract/agreement.  All dealers please voice this to Audiogon.

Good Listening

Thanks to AudioGon for letting us know that they will be offering the Classic View, once they get the glitches ironed out. I can be patient while they work things out.
We really want to thank you for your feedback on the Search and Listing View changes. There were a few technical glitches with the search functionality, and we will be working quickly to rectify those to be more accurate. We will be introducing the ability to switch between the Classic View and the new Grid View in the coming days so that users have control over their preference. We appreciate your patience. Again, thank you for your support of Audiogon and for your honest opinion on this matter.
Just want to add my thoughts on the terrible format of the new search format.  Looking forward to the ability to return to the Classic View. 
Just want to add my thoughts on the terrible format of the new search format.  Looking forward to the ability to return to the Classic View. 
Why offer both if, so far, the prevailing view is the new version  sucks?

$$$$$$$$$$ in their eyes?
AUDIOGON is gone. This new format is very bad/unusable/no fun. 

It just randomly includes unrelated junk in my searches. Where is the most recent listings button? Where is the 300 miles and closer to my zip code button? When I ask to view equipment from a specific manufacturer, why do other things manufactured by other companies show up? Why do I have to click on a listing to learn it expired two years ago?

Please give me back the old very efficient format for finding and viewing equipment fore sale. Make Audiogon fun, easy, efficient, and exciting to use again. List a product's full name, present a decent full picture, make the search easy on the eyes, quick for focused searches, and quick to browse all the most recent equipment offered in a region as well the most recent equipment offered of a specific type. 

Please get Audiogon up and working again.

Inline with making a move this spring, over the winter, I listed a bunch of components on several sites, including Audiogon and USA Audio Mart.

Interestingly enough, I’ve received 4 inquiries in the past several days to my USA Audio Mart ads that have sold and / or expired. Previously, I’ve only had one person contact me over the past 3 months. Evidently, people have begun voting with their feet. As Yogi Berra said, "If people don’t want to go, you can’t stop them."
The peephole photos are virtually useless and you are right to object to extra fees to display your items. I started browsing another dealer’s listings and gave up because of the peepholes. It defeats the whole point of showing photos.
Please return to the "list" format.  The new search format is terrible and if Audiogon stays with it then plan on user exodus from the site.  US Audio Mart looks better every day.  
Agreed, new one is awful.  Old list view was fine and void of cruft.  The new view has everything BUT what I searched on. 
" We will be introducing the ability to switch between the Classic View and the new Grid View in the coming days so that users have control over their preference."

Thanks AudiogoN for listening to your readers and taking action. Looking forward to the redesign.
Audiogon is on something... something hallucinatory that is.

The bolded listings with the smaller pic in a peephole graphic is dumb.
These oval "victorian" picture frames are very snazzy. You know they had me reaching for my manual egg beater,but i had to reach down and retie my thigh boots.So just what is this website? I was just looking for a new Edison player for the parlour.This might just be too fancy for me and my thuggish stevedore buddies.Please explain.
I agree, it is awful. I haven't been able to browse the days posting in 2 days. I just give up trying.
Post removed 
The peepholes qualify as Engineering Monuments--a testimony to the developer's cleverness, but fill no need.  I (eye?) strain to see what's being rendered.
I think we all need to take a deep breath and chill. It obviously didn't work out like the way they were hoping, whatever the underlying intention was. They claim they are going to rectify the issue. Let's give them a chance. Your voices have been heard loud and clear!
This new format is the worst! I have a listing for a Marantz amp and I can't find on the first page of the search (which is how the old format is designed). My equipment showed up on the 5 page - after scrolling over 50 items to get to the next page button - do that 5 times and I get 200 items I don't want to see before I reach something I want when using the "search". What is the sense of selling a equipment if the item can't seen on the first page of a "search"? The Peephole or Blank 45 Record Paper Sleeve view serves no purpose and takes away from what Audiogon is supposed to be used for - simply selling or purchasing audio equipment and ect.  I have always used Audiogon and now I have to decide if I'm going to stop using Audiogon to sell my equipment because Audiogon thinks they will help sell your equipment by "shrinking" your equipment picture into a "blank 45 paper sleeve"  which is now to be viewed with 7 other group listings per a page; along with 48 other additional "similair item" listings below it - STUPID!!!     
I wrote Audiogon immediately after they implemented this new software
and as an IT professional indicated that they had made a serious error
in their new design.  Most good web designers understand their users
and strive for simplicity. It is almost as though they handed the project
to a bunch of 17 year olds who cannot read and only see the world in pictures. A truly experienced web designer would have improved the search engine (which they seem to have done ??) and left the simplicity of the site alone except for improving navigation around different facets of the site. 

I  indicated to them that most of the users of this site can read lists, were well educated and wanted information that was easy to access. 
Who do they think is buying all his expensive equipment anyway,
not 17 year olds. So a failure to understand their customers with a little greed thrown in, as others have indicated in their posts, seems to have motivated this change. I have seen it done many times before by IT companies and they usually regret it when their customers disappear.

Awful design.  Went from perfectly functional to unusable.

Who at Agon thought this was an improvement?  
Still waiting to post ads. It does not take long to just go back to the old system.  Please just do it. Why wait until you build this hybrid system allowing for both? Go back to the system we all want now and in the future, when the hybrid system is perfected and ready for prime time, add it. Please. 
Very bad, how stupid of them, it worked just fine before ..go to  the other version , this is very frustrating.
On what planet are peepholes better than full size ads? Sometimes, you scratch your head and ask yourself, “What we’re they thinking?” 
This is one of those times. If it isn’t fixed soon, I’ll be leaving. I can be patient for awhile!

Completely agree.
They should have changed back to,old system as soon as they found the backlash was overwhelming.
Longer they leave it the more damage they are causing.
I have already sold one item on audiomart that normally I would have placed on here.
And right now negotiating a price on an item to buy on audiomart that even though there is a comparable example here Agon,by sticking their head in the sand, do not deserve the sale. That’s unfortunate for the seller here but that’s all down to Agon management stubbornness.

A couple of clicks by it dept and this all could go away for now.
This peephole thing is aweful. You can’t even see the equipment properly!!
My first post ever. Yes it is that bad!!

I understand how everyone wants to vent their frustrations here, however I also hope they realize that is just many small voices. Your above post needs to be something others should think about. Then those many small voices could possibly create a larger voice with a single message. I'm sure everyone here is smart enough to know what I am saying.

@tls49 .

I understand totally.
It at first appeared Agon were fully aware of their huge error but after that nothing....
So I voted the only way I knew how, with my wallet ....
And yes if EVERYONE did likewise it may have a larger impact.

Honestly we should not even be talking about it as they should have already fixed it but here we are......