new L100?

Anyone get a chance to take a listen to the (new) JBL L100 speakers?  If so, what are your thoughts?
I've never heard them. I doubt I ever will. I think $4000 is a ridiculous price for rehashed nostalgia. I run across these and the 431X models a few times a year around town at record stores. They never made much impression on me. 
No image shift at all for me. And I was concerned about that too. The price isn’t that out outrageous for the dolllar per sound ratio I’m getting.
I’ve spent much more and gotten less. But YMMV 
I had the original L110s in college.  Dumped after them after 6 months for Large Adents.
For those who've come across the originals or recount their experiences with them, they are not the same speaker as the ones introduced late last year. You'd be silly to think they were without giving them a listen.

All the best,
What electronics are you using with the new L100s?  I am considering a pair for a system, so have an interest in knowing.  I listened to them yesterday, was pleasantly surprised by what I heard.