New Marantz SA11S2?

Can someone please describe the new Marantz SA11S2 sound for me? In general terms, is it smooth, detailed, dynamic, soft, transparent, slightly veiled, impactful bass, slightly rounded bass, great treble extension or slightly rolled? Warm robust midrange, lean mids, fairly neutral to dry?

Thank you

Showing 8 responses by tzh21y

I have not had the opportunity to audition the Ayre. I would agree to the statement made by 4musica regarding the McIntosh and the Marantz. Very simalar and both are very good players.
I must say that I had my doubts about the sa11. It does take a long time to break in. A very long time. Longer than 500 hours. Although after 500 hours, it does start to sound much better. After a thousand hours, it sounds even better. It actually sounded very close to my analog front end which I was shocked to hear. it is warm sounding, but not overly so. I had a audiophile friend come over to listen the other day to the Sa11 S2. He was a Doubting Thomas. He is not anymore. He could not believe what he was hearing or should I say not hearing on his system. He was very impressed with it. It just keeps getting better with each day. It's a great player and very versatile as well. If others did not like the way it sounded, so be it, It is what it is. I too do not like eveything I hear and many pieces I do not like are very highly touted to say the least. We all have our preferences. I will say that I am sold on it but it did take a while. I did not like it at first but wow does it get better, every day.
That is one of the big reasons I bought the Marantz was for the transport mechanism. It still sounds great without a d/a converter and you can also use an outboard clock if you so wish. It is a great player that is very versatile. Some may not like it, so be it, we each have our own likes and dislikes.
I agree with your last comment wholeheartedly Jt3 They are amazing players for the money. I just tweeked my interconnects and wow, amazing. A friend made me a pair. they are amazing and sound great through the balanced connection. The music just hangs there if you know what I mean.
The Pearl and the SA11 S2 are very close, the Sa11 2 I think is at least as good, I could easily live with either player.