Oppo 93+EE MinimaxPlus vs Oppo 95?

In your best guess (or from direct exp), from a pure SQ perspective, would a 93+Minimax give me better 2 channel and same multi-channel performance compared to Oppo 95? With the combo, I gain nice asynch USB implementation and a tube option, but curious if the upgraded analog stereo outs on the 95 are so good as to beat the EE. Thanks much for your opinions.
I am using an Oppo BDP-95 as a transport to an Eastern Electric DAC Plus and am very pleased with the result.

To my ear, and in my system, the sonic performance is at a higher level with this approach than through the balanced outputs of the 95 alone... and the analog stage of the Oppo is indisputably excellent.

With the EE DAC in the chain, I hear a cleaner clearer sound, improved image and soundstage, and much improved bass response.
Thanks Njs. I'm thinking I get the virtues of the OPPO 93's multi-channel output, etc, and better the OPPO 95's analog output with the EE Plus in place. Plus I get asynch USB and tube/ss choice (even some tube rolling fun which Ive never done before. Anyone else have an opinion or comment? Is 93 + EE the better route to take?
RE: "I am using an Oppo BDP-95 as a transport to an Eastern Electric DAC Plus and am very pleased with the result."
QUESTION >>  WHICH OUTPUT from the OPPO 95 do you input to the DAC??   (Oppo says the optical and coax output a signal inferior to that via the HDMI  and the 7.1 analog outputs...to keep people from getting exact copies).