
Just got new speakers and I’m trying to set them up.  I have to say that so far they don’t sound as good as they did in the store.  One question is about phasing.  I’ve triple checked that the wires are black to black and red to red on both speakers.  I have two cds with in focus and out of focus phasing bands.  The in focus/in phase sounds ok-you can pinpoint the source. But the out of focus/out of phase sounds very similar—not the very  obvious difference I heard on my previous speakers using the same test.  Anyone know what to make of this?   Should I try reversing the wires on one speaker even though I’m sure they’re wired black to black and red to red and the in phase test sounds ok?  The other thing I’m noticing is that, while the speakers didn’t sound so good right out of the box, they’re either improving quite a lot as I use them or I’m getting used to the sound.  I know that new speakers should be broken in but can there really be that much difference over a couple of weeks of use?

Showing 1 response by kalali

The speakers never sound the same in your living room as they did in the store. Sometimes they sound better and sometimes they sound worse but never the same. And speakers in particular do sound better as they break in.