Phono stages employing feedback & record scratch "tic"

I thought I read recently that phono stages employing feedback tend to produce more of the record scratch tic & pops. Is this true?
It can be an influence, but there is more to it than that.

Its the actual stability of the circuit that determines how much it will exacerbate ticks and pops. The stability is not based on feedback. Feedback can add higher ordered harmonics of its own (while at the same time suppressing distortion), so if stability problems are present, the ticks and pops that show up will be even more audible due to the brightness added by feedback. But the root cause is not feedback itself.

Can't give you a bright-line rule, but my Ayre P-5xe is legendarily quiet and does not use feedback.  Not sure if it is quiet *because* it lacks feedback, though.