Planar/panel speakers to replace Carver Amazings

Hi All,

a while back, I posted a question titled “Secondary/“vintage” system speaker replacement options?” in this section. However, it didn’t get many responses.

However, perhaps the above simpler title will elicit more responses. Just trying again.

if you’d like more background info, please see the above titled post.

All the best and many thanks.

Showing 4 responses by roberjerman

Somebody years ago was selling replacement ribbon drivers for the Carvers. Wish I could remember more! Why don't you call Madisound? Somebody there might be helpful!
You might have a wrinkled ribbon or a broken lead at one end!  Either is fixable! Don't throw them away!
My now-deceased friend had a pair of the Amazing Platinums. They did indeed sound awesomely good! Get yours repaired! The Sanders costs over $10K! The Carver ribbons are rather simple in design. A frame holding a front-and-back magnet array, with a Kapton plastic ribbon coated with a conductor sandwiched between! I'm in Florida. If I was closer I'd repair them for you!
From my memory: Boehlender-Grabner made ribbon speakers and offered drop-in replacement ribbons for the Carvers.