Please Read and express your feelings and opinions....

I noticed  that lately or maybe for the last five yrs, there is so much arguments,name calling, attacking cables , speakers , components makers and more, more of disagreement with members, even Audio dealers are being attack here...Very few know how to apologize when they are wrong.What can we do as Audiogon members to improve our communication to each other? How to give the informations, recommendation to members who need it? This is without involving Audiogon, any opinion or ideas ,  For me this is fun and place to learn in audio...thank you all

Showing 1 response by astewart8944

Society seems coarser today than ten years ago. Endless argument parades as universal entertainment, without the disciplines of logic, rhetoric and civility undergirding it. Unfortunately, many people think they are smarter than others, funnier than others, more important than others etc. I often describe it as people believing everything around them (life) is a movie and they are life's essential star; every person around them is of lesser importance. These folks treat others as unessential annoyances or worse. In reality, an equally valuable person resides on the other end of every forum message, text, call, email.... Kindness counts. It can be contagious...and it is in need of more adherents. BTW A'gon has some of the nicest people I've dealt with on the internet.