Preamp Deal of the Century

If anyone is looking for a true "World Class" preamp at a very fair price..heed my advice. I just recieved a Supratek Syrah preamp that was hand built by Mick Maloney in Western Australia, and it is absolutely beautiful! This preamp is the best deal you will ever find. I would put it up against any preamp out there for both looks and sound. Price? $2500 for the Syrah (includes Killer Phono stage). Not into phono? Try the Chardonney line stage for $2100. Don't get me wrong, I am not associated with this company. I am just a very happy owner! This preamp is VERY dynamic, yet liquid. It conveys the sound of music better than any other preamp that I have ever heard! You can check out the Supratek website at www.
These Mundorf caps most be coming around. The past few days I have heard a marked improvement in the sound of my Cortese.
That has been my experience with my Chenin. When selector is in phono position with TT hooked up and grounded - dead quiet. When selector is in phono position and no TT hooked up - hum and some hiss.
I did test with IC's to no avail.
There is hum too.
I can hear my power supply hum (not that loud), but Clayton monoblocks (they have 1kV transformers) are dead quiet.
So I understand that somebody with quiet Chenin phono, after disconnecting LP from it will have a lot of tape hiss noise, like me ? Is that right ?
I think Braro has nailed it. I assume that you are saying there is nothing connected to the phono input at this point? if so, the noise you are hearing is probably a ground issue due to the high gain at the phono input.
To test this, connect a set of IC's to the phono input and switch to the phono setting, you should hear less hiss, but some may still be present without a load on that input.
Gain switch is set to second to max.
>Is the cart you are using of relatively high output (say- above .9mV or more)?

Changing cartridge load switch make tape hiss to disappear.
But on max 47k I believe tape hiss is really loud.

I do not have lp yet so I do not have any cartridge.
Just switching to phone is giving me loud tape hiss what worries me.
On line level inputs Chenin is quiet .
> Maybe something to do with ground?
I tried to ground it but it has given me additional loud hum.
Mine did the same thing until I hooked up a TT. After hooking up a TT it should quiet down. Maybe something to do with ground?
Do you have the gain switches on the top of the unit set to the high gain setting? What about the master gain on the rear panel, where is that set? Is the cart you are using of relatively high output (say- above .9mV or more)?

Do you have this hiss or tube rush on any other inputs?
I have question to Chenin owners regarding phono input.
When I switch input selector to phono, there is very loud tape hiss through speakers.
Is it normal ? Or my Chenin is broken ?
I do not have LP right now, but will in the future.
How can one use lp with such loud tape hiss.
It is pretty loud in 9 o'clock position.

unless you custom ordered it with xlr, the chenin does not have xlr connections.
My Chenin is at my vacation house and I can't remember if they accept XLR connection? Can anyone please tell me so I don't waste my money on wire that doesn't (or maybe does) work? Bob
With microphonics, I find it is dependent on what output tubes are being used. I have a Supratek Grange and it is highly microphonic with EH 300B's, but there is zero microphonics when Raytheon 45 tubes are used.

I don't get too hung up about microphonics, sure it makes a sound when you rap the chassis, but I don't think it affects the sound when your are in the listening seat.

Mustang: I have a set of Supratek Merlot monobloc power amps. They are superb world class amplifiers, very refined and are tonally almost perfect with strong tight bass, so long as you have sensitive speakers to do them justice.


Hello Larryrosen,

Do you have the stock tubes in your Cabernet? I have found my Cortese to be dead quiet with the stock tubes in it. No microphonics like my Syrah had. I have not done any tube rolling yet.
I have my new Cabernet home and running, Stunning box, rigged with the large 300b mesh plate tubes, sounds great now, and I now it will only get sweeter. Fantastic imaging and liquid mid's with spatial detail that is great. One, thing, the unit is quite microphonic. Anyone have that problem and know what may cause this? What is a solution?

Wc65mustang, I was thinking also on the Merlots to pair it with my Cabernet. Could you explain a little more about the mods that you asked for and why?. Thanks
It's a year wait for 2 reasons. First he is way behind on the preamp orders. Big surprise there huh? Second, it will be a custom one of a kind pair. Special transformers and more. He wasn't going to build them at all until we agreed on a year and if it takes longer no big shake.
Mustang,I just got off the Supratek website to check out the Merlots,they do look pretty amazing!!!Finaly getting someone on this thread that has a Supratek poweramp!Is one year the normal wait,or because you ordered "custom"? Ray
Congrats. You're in for a real treat. I'm sure you'll find the wait worthwhile. FWIW, I've ordered a pair of custom Merlots; the tentative completion date is 12/2006 so don't feel too bad.
Hello Larryrosen,

You will be glad you hung in there and waited for the Supratek. I have been busy listening to my new Cortese. I have not done any tube rolling yet. I want to wait until the pre has plenty of hours on it. I am amazed how good it sounds with the stock tubes! Enjoy that new Cabernet, and let us know your impressions.
Thank you Ecclectique, I thought with over 2000 hits, I'd have a few more people wanting to share their experience. I decided on a Supratek only after being hooked on this thread. But, alas, I will be at home enjoying a Cabernet, so what could be so bad!
Hi Larry. Congrats on the supratek. Like any new gear,it will take a good 40 to 50 hours of run-in time to settle in and find it's voice.The suprateks sound great right out of the box but it's pretty neat to hear the metamorphosis.Most new tubes need a day or so to settle in anyway.A few of the gang here have rolled in the EML 45 meshies and will hopefully chime in.
Well after an 11 month wait, DHL confirms that my Cabernet will be delivered tomorrow. I am, of course very excited, but was wondering what users think of breaking in with the supplied tubes or up grading right away to EML 45 mesh tubes. Any thoughts on what to expect in the first few months of breaking in would be greatly appreceiated.
Wc65mustang you must be proud of that setup! I for one, and I would think many others would love to see all the pictures you have of your system and its environmental surroundings.Tom
Wc65mustang, I also use a Neuance shelf, although not suspended from the ceiling. It's a terrific product.

Thanks for your informative, helpful and pleasant comments.
Yeah I forgot a couple things. I use an Audience adeptResponse conditioner. I've tried dozens of cords (literally) and I've sold off all of the super premium high price power cords and now use Zu Mother on everything. They may not be the absolute best power cord on the market but at the price, IMO, there is nothing close. Lastly, I don't know if the system benefits from all components using the same power cord but it sounds very sweet right now and I don't fix anything when it's not broken. The Zu cables (IC's speaker, and power) represent awesome value IMO.

2" maple platforms on the Grange, Oracle, and Reimyo. 1" granite platforms on the amps. The turntable sits on a Neuance platform, is suspended by chains, and hangs from the ceiling to eliminate all vibration.

Now the Rhea. An an overview I found the Rhea a little dark. Even with some tube rolling it was never particularly dynamic and didn't image nearly as well as the Grange. Lastly, the Grange separates the instruments better than the Rhea. In jazz trios and quartets, each instrument is more clearly defined and articulated. The Grange is so musical it's scary. These words may not mean to you what I am trying to describe but it's the best I can do here. To be fair, I ran the Rhea through a Pass 2.5 so take this comparison FWIW. OTOH you can't beat the Rhea and Pass 2.5 for flexibility. They really are delights for couch potatoes.
Nice system, Wc65mustang. For you to say the Grange rates higher than any other peice of gear in your system is saying quite a lot.

Could you please elaborate on the comment that the Grange "digs deeper" into the music. How does the tonal balance compare to the Rhea. Is one more neutral than the other?

Do you use any power conditioning or aftermarket power cords? If so, which one on the Grange?

Also, do you use any isolation products...especially on your Grange and analog source?

The Grange digs much deeper into the music than the Rhea. In addition to Mundorf caps, I've rolled all of the tubes in the preamp and its' power supply. It is the finest piece of audio gear I've owned and/or heard in 40+ years.

Other components, Nottingham Space Deck, Hadcock 242 Silver, Zyx Airy 3 LO SB, Extremephono Limited Edition Phono Cable, Oracle CD-1000, Reimyo DAP-777, Stealth Sextet, Canary CA-339 mono blocks, Silverline Grande La Folia, Zu Varial, and Zu Ibis.

I hope that helps.
Wc65mustang, thank you for your opinion.

I am interested in Supratek products. Can you share some of your experience in comparison with other preamps you have owned, i.e. the Aesthetix Rhea? What other components are in your system?
Do you own a Supratek TVAD? I didn't think so. Unless you have something more meaningful and pertinent to the Supratek discussion your comments are devoid of substance and merit.
Wc65mustang wrote:
...we don't need your commentary because nobody cares what you think.

You don't speak for me, Wc65mustang.
If you want one and can afford it, they you wait. Potential customers know this when they enter into an agreement with Mick and we don't need your commentary because nobody cares what you think.

Quite frankly, I would have waited twice the time I actually did, having heard mine now for 6 months.

Lrsky, here's some advice, order one and wait like everybody else or shut up.

i own a supratek chardonnay and love it. from what i understand above service is that mick sends all the necessary information to a technician in the united states who does the work. there is no requirement of sending it all the way back to australia for repairs. mick states this about repairs on his website:

Q: What happens if something goes wrong?

A: It shouldn't but if it does getting it sorted takes priority - the best way is to get it fixed in your home state- while Supratek products are unique they aren't complex and any good technician should be able to solve any problems. With email I can send circuit diagrams and discuss any problems with the technician. The robustness of all Supratek products means that any problems will be minor. I am setting up a circle of good technicians around the globe as I'm able. Naturally I pay for any repairs.
Lrsky,Have you read everything on the Supratek website?Some of the questions you are asking can be answered on Micks website.Micks products hold thier value pretty good on the used market too,unlike some products that lose 50%or more of thier value as soon as they are sold.Im sure that First Sound makes a great preamp too,in fact if they had a model for 1900.00 i might have bought one! I dont think any of us can speak for Mick as to why he does what he does the way he does,Peace Ray
What about service, if it takes 10 1/2 months to 'get'one. I really don't care if Mick cleans up--I was attempting to not state the obvious, which is how many people don't wait 10 1/2 months, and don't complain on an open forum, they just walk away--and don't purchase.
No, its not presuptuous, and certainly no leap of logic to think that if he makes 10 preamps with quality, instead of 2 or three, in a given period of time (whatever the number) he would have more customers, more satisfied, and without the 'issue' of an almost one year wait, then therefore the potential for people wondering about subsequent 'service'would also be eliminated
If numbers didn't matter at all, perhaps one every three or four years would suit him. I really don't know.
>>he could really clean house<<

Have you considered that may not be his objective? Kind or presumptuous aren't we?

>>Mick needs some production help to assuage the concerns of potential buyers<<

Really? I'm sure he'll be tickled to hear that opinion. We can all sleep better now.
I guess if Mick started to hire help,one could not say they own a preamp handmade by Mick Maloney,,im sure he could sell more if he had help,maybe he likes things as they are!As for repairs,i think Mick addresses this on his website.I waited about 2 months for my Chardonnay, def. worth the wait!
The question that begs to be asked here is, "What about service, if acquiring one is this difficult". The First Sound, which I have owned is EXCELLENT, and available on order, with very slight waiting time. (I am not affilliated in any way with them) They too are built to order.
I would be very nervous, not to mention impatient with this kind of delay.
My Distributors in Europe have been having a fit over a six week to eight week delay on product, and frankly I can't blame them.
Mick needs some production help to assuage the concerns of potential buyers--given that his pre's are so good, if they were readily available, he could really clean house.
Is he working alone... does anyone know?

Thanks for the suggestion. I believe we have the same apl unit, although mine doesn't have the latest upgrades (yet!). I have tried it both ways for a while and find the sound very, very similar (which says a lot about the Supratek's transparency). That being the case, and given my inclination for simplicity, and for upgrading the apl, I'm leaning toward selling.

I appreciate your advice.

Phil, I also use a CDP with transformer coupled triode output stage, and while I don't need a preamp, I enjoy the sound of the CDP through the preamp. Just a suggestion, but you might live with the preamp and try going direct and through the preamp for two or three months before you decide to sell the Chardonnay. You might find down the road that you miss the Chardonnay and wish you hadn't been so quick to sell it.
Oh, forgot to mention that my Chardonnay does NOT have a remote (important to some folks).

I have the original manual and box (of course!).

I'm selling my beloved Chardonnay linestage and wanted to know what fellow owners think it might be worth before I post a classified ad.

I purchased it 9/03. It is in perfect working order and looks the same as when I received it. With NOS input tubes, customs expenses, state tax and, yes, the halo dampers, the total investment (without shipping) = about $2,500. Mine has an antique copper finish (don't know if those are still available).

I currently use a cdp with a tranformer coupled triode ouptut stage (sound familiar?) and am using it directly connected to my amp (also tubed). Since I don't have other source components, there is no need for a preamp. While I've been thinking about keeping the Supratek as a collector's item, I also would like to upgrade my existing gear. Oh, the terrible upgrade bug...

So, the unit is used, but it is available for shipping now.

can someone tell about sonic differences between Lamm L2 Reference preamplifier and Supratek Cabernet pre?
My front end consist of Kuzma Stabi Reference turntable with Kuzma Airline tonearm(Shelter 90x mc cartridge) and ASR Basis Exclusive phono preamp.
Thank you.
Re: Supratek KT88 power amp. I have not yet heard this amp yet Slowhand but would think it is very good. Mick seems to speak of it in terms of having the virtues of the his other more expensive power amps - which is saying a lot!

As to pricing for the KT88 amps you will have to wait and see, but about $3000 seems right from what he has said to me. I can't imagine it will be anywhere near the cost of Burgandys, those amps were contained in four chassis's, complex to build and with big expensive Plitron transformers from Canada which explains their price tag.

To those who have waited long for their preamps, we have a saying in Australia (or it could be universal?) 'the squeaky wheel gets oiled', so start squeaking. I have to agree with Slowhand though, the wait is worth it as Supratek preamps sound like no other.

