Quicksilver monoblock amp stands.

I have moved my monos closer to the speakers.

I've read, the sound is better doing this, and I'm using very short speaker cables. I put the amps closer last night,but did not have time to listen much.

We have dogs in our living room, and a kid (11yo), so keeping them on the floor is asking to wreak them.

They're on speakers near my speakers, but I don't want to keep it that way.

Question: Anyone using small stands to get their monoblocks up off the ground?

What are you using? and where did you get them?

I used VTI 404-1 4" high amp stands from racksandstands.com, they also offer a 7" and 9" high stand. Make sure you isolate the shelf from the frame well and/or the piece from the shelf, makes a big sonic difference. Many prefer Target stands.
Well,I tried short speaker cables.

about 18".

It did not sound better in any way at all,that I could tell.

So much for that theory.

You never know,its good to check things like this out.
to see for yourself.

Thanks for the recomendations.