Rega RB300 Tonearm alignment protractor

I spent hours searching for a proper Rega RB300 Tonearm alignment protractor that I can get my hands on without having to wait 2 weeks for international shipment.
All I cound find was this :

The problem is that 2 different printers gave 2 different scales of this protractor and I do not know which is correct.
I would expect a printable protractor to specify the correct distance between 2 points in the drawing...

Anybody can link to a good protractor ?
"Umm, to make money? ;)"
LOL !!!!!!!!

OK...I got home and tried both incandescent and lED light.
LED didn't work but incandescent worked perfect.
I definitely see the lines now. They are almost stationary. Not completely stationary because I remember my dealer once told me that my speed is about 5% faster that 33.3
I changed the speed to 45 and now the circle of the 45 is almost stationary.

Thank you guys !
01-21-13: Triskadecaphobic
So you guys are saying that this 80$ strobe light is not needed ? Why would people design this complicated device that has 2 integrated circuits if it's not needed ?
Umm, to make money? ;)

Actually, it may make it easier to see, I don't know. With an incandescent light it's a bit tricky especially if the speed is off. I need to stare towards the middle of the platter and not focus in a way, and then I see it. If the speed is off it likes a little like if you were looking at airplane propellers, they sort of move backwards slowly...
So you guys are saying that this 80$ strobe light is not needed ? Why would people design this complicated device that has 2 integrated circuits if it's not needed ?
I'll try incandescent light or led light and report as soon as I get home...
Sebrof is correct. You don't need an expensive strobe light. Just use an incandescent light and pay close attention to the bars. They should appear stationary. If they drift in one direction or the other, your speed is off.
I downloaded various turntable strobe discs for 50hz and I see nothing but grey circles when turntable is running.
Make sure you use an incandescent bulb, not fluorescent.
If you see a grey circle it may mean that your table speed is off. Did you try counting the revolutions?
I downloaded various turntable strobe discs for 50hz and I see nothing but grey circles when turntable is running.
I think it's because I have to use this device which I don't have :

Does anybody know of more affordable options ? After all, it's not going to be used so often...
I tried to get the protractor from vinylengine but they don't allow me to login after I register and you must login if you want to download the protractor.
Maybe they see my IP (Israel) as a security hazard :-(

I need the "original rega protractor (en)"
from here :

If anybody can send it to me, I would be grateful.
My email : boobanoa at gmail dot com
Have you seen the docs at Vinyl Engine? They have the original protractor. Make sure you're not scaling when you print. That would be a problem. Print at 100% scale.