Road trip to demo $10,000 speakers

I'm going to take a several hour road trip to the Washington DC/Baltimore area to demo some speakers in the $10,000 range for a once in a lifetime purchase. I plan on listening to some Magico A3's, Aerial Acoustic 7T's, and Spendor D-9's. One of the dealers also has Paradigm Persona 3F's on the floor, so I'll take a listen to them too. While I'm up there are there any other speakers in that price range you'd recommend I try to locate and take a listen to. I'm open to and welcome your suggestions and will take the time to research each one as well.

I'm not in the market for used equipment. Thanks for any and all suggestions.


Mike, the time to go to DC to look at speakers would be Nov 2-4th. Capital Fest will be going on and you can look, touch, and listen to a wide range of speakers. While it may not be the ideal situation to audition a pair of speakers it will at least give you a starting point...If you do go you should definitely go and spend time in the Legacy Audio room. Meet Bill and the gang and ask any questions that you might have...If you spend anytime listening to the Legacy speakers I'm betting that you will get bitten by the "Legacy bug"...I'll be there the 2nd thru the 4th maybe I'll see you there... I'll probably be hanging out in the Legacy room, just ask for Charles.

As impractical as it may sound, if you are road-tripping, take your amp with you.  Synergy matters and generally a retailer is going to match up their speakers with electronics that work with those speakers.   So unless your planning on buying the dealer's electronics as well, bring the amp that will actually be driving the speakers.

And, if you have some big-a*s SUV, take your listening room with you as well.   Location, location, location....

Why is there so much used gear for sale?

Because people ask silly questions, listen to countless worthless recommendations and purchase based on them or 10 minute showroom demos in an environment totally unlike their own.

A lot of $10k speakers are a joke. Several mentioned here failed on multiple levels either due to bad design, poor setup or electronic mismatch.

The probability of assembling an SoA system schlepping a bag load of CDs all over the countryside is vanishingly small.

One needs 3 diverse tracks to evaluate a system, assuming one knows for what to listen. Mine:
1. Ruby Baby - Donald Fagan. Original CD.
2. Mornin’ - Al Jarreau. Original CD
3. Underture from Tommy. Original CD
Most don’t make it through 2.

Many newer CDs are vastly inferior to the original release. They are digitally processed copies of poor transfers or digitally processed multiple times. Ditto tracks on Tidal. Ditto some audiophile CDs.

Never forget we are building a system. All the research in the world is not worth a 30s listen.

IF the OP is serious, he should make appointments for a system in his total price and parameter range [ total DoReMi, speaker size, integrated/separates, CD/streamer, etc.]. The system should be properly setup as best the shop can make it. The room should be of similar size, layout and treatment to the OPs. If a shop is unwilling to do this for a $40k+ [assuming reasonable system dollar apportionment for $10k speaker] sale, move on. Accept no apologies as to why the sound is sh.tty. Just leave.

IF the OP finds something, he should get an in-home evaluation. Expect to pay return shipping.

Everything else is just wa…..

Hi skyscraper,

I had  Dahlquist DQ10's and ended up trading up to Vandersteen's 1C. When I secured the Vandersteens I fell into a pair of Conrad Johnson MV 52 Amps with A CJ Evolution 20 pre amp all of which I bi amped into the Vandersteen's. It was a great sound. But after a while I rolled into a pair of Sonus Faber Cremona. The originals designed by Serblin.  I still have them today and have changed my view on how I approach upgrades to my system overall. This said if I were to make a change in my speakers, for a little more - but last investment,  I would say definitely check out :

Devore Fidelity - Gibbon X for New
but highly Recommend Silverbacks - discontinued if you can fin find.