soliloquy 5.3 need Amp recommendations, please

My music taste are Jazz, classical and voice. musical is my most concerned. I prefer tubes integrated due to a tight buget. but will open mind for anything.

thanks guys!
good sound, joey
Last month I purchased my first tube amp a Cary SLI-80 Signature. I love the thing ..... I wish I had not wasted so much time with solid state. I give it a strong recommendation. The VAC Avatar was interesting as well.
I have a pair of 6.3s that I power with a Redgum RGi120s integrated amp. It is an Australian solid state. It is the most musical ss integrated that I have heard for the price range I was looking at($1000-2000). Very detailed, with quick, tight , deep bass, very fluid sounding, never bright or tiring. I am using an Arcam Alpha 8 cd player with Acoustic Zen matrix ic & Kimber 4TC speaker cables. Redgum is a rather obscure company as of now, but I believe it is just a matter of time for them to get some reviews in mags to get their name out there. I haven't found anyone else that has one, but I love this amplifier. They also have a 60 watt and 30 watt version of this amp.
We've heard great things about the Arcam FMJ integrated. It should match quite well, and it's nice looking too -especially for the budget-minded music lover.

Happy listening!


If above too much $$, used Anthem 1, Linn Majik, LFD Mistral up to $600 used
or i heard that new Antique Audio tube integrated amps sound pretty good, reasonably priced.
Have a friend who has a a speaker like the 5.3 in that it is 90db and 8ohms nominal imp. She has an Audiomat Arpege that she picked up used for about $1400. Integrated , 30W per channel. Listens to the same music you do. I've never heard it turned up over 1/4 volume, plenty of power. Sounds very nice. If you get a chance to listen to one do so.

Sincerely, I remain