Speaker Fetish

I don't know if I am alone or not but I like speakers. I have a pair and am not looking to replace them but I find myself drawn to looking into new speakers all of the time. I don't know if I should go to a shrink or is this normal? Any coments? DO I NEED HELP?????
L&G's please stop I can't take much more of this laughing; a guy's got to breath occasionally. "Welcome to the club" as ole' Joe Walsh would put it. I think I have enough hardware sitting around at the moment for about 3 rigs. Good thing I'm out of room now for any more boxes.
I prefer sealed or electrostats/planer speakers, both would be a neat trick in refrence to your coment but I do appreciate your concern, I have blow up dolls for that, duh!
Tireguy, I'd be worried if you were solely attracted to ported speakers (if you know what I mean).
guys & gals: ya' know it's a lot cheaper if your collection compulsion involves software rather than hardware. me, i have about 5k lp's and 1.3+k cd's. roughly 400 lp's (mostly mfsl's and other "audiophile" albums) and 100 cd's (nearly all promo's and pre-releases) have never been opened or played. may sound crazy, i know. but i betcha' my stuff's appreciated in value a great deal more than your stuff. admittedly, i'd like to have 6 or 8 systems comparable to my "main" and only setup. but i don't have the $$ or the space (all that software, ya know) -kelly
Can I join in on the Group Rate for a Shrink, I think I have CBD(complusive Buying Disorder) But I'm not a speaker freak. I love cables, I have AudioQuest, Tara, XLO, and more power cords.
i have always wanted some expensive speaker or other. My budget is like 2k maybe 3k but I WANT some 10k+ types. So I stare at them longingly and never buy. Though I plan 1 more big speaker purchase before I croak! And if I save a few thou could actually buy some of the big boys toys.
I don't have that longing with other audio stuff.. maybe cars I wish I could buy next (Mazda's rotary, Nissan new Z, that wild Mitsu prototype... or a plain ol Corvette,Yellow please.)
I know what you mean. Just when you get your dynamic driver speakers sounding as good as they can you start to think....mmm...I wonder if I could get even better sound if I get ribbons or maybe even some electrostatics! It never ends!! If it's not the speakers, it's the pre amp, amp, ect.

It sure is fun to open up the boxes from UPS & FedX to try out the new "different" toys!!!
My B&W's are my main squeeze, but I've been seeing a pair of Uno Avantgarde's on the side - can't help myself, all those curves just slay me.
I know, I know...The speakers I see pictured in the ads look like big pieces of candy. My head about exploded when I saw the lacquered Merlins. And when I read the reviews, forget about it. And those new Burmesters...i'll never have savings account.
Pcc, just keep telling yourself that you are about done, just a couple of more things..... Yea, just one more drink, I 'll stop, I swear it. Looks like we are going to have to do another intervention!!
I hear ya man. Got the same disease, my home is starting to look like a stereo store. I am going to find that perfect one yet. But having all of those speakers around makes comparisons real kool.
I think its just a hobby thing. Can't say man thing, cause their are many women we don't know about, in this hobby too. We are in sane. I think were so drawn into this hobby that were always thinking there's better out there. I'm happy with my equip., just a couple more things and I'll be done. I believe you need to find a speaker you can be happy with and do alot of home auditions with different amps/pre's till you find the right combo, its out there; just takes alot of leg work to find it. Once you do, hopefully you'll be happy. My theory is keep those speakers or buy some you can live with, and improve on the pre/amp/cables. Then stop and try to enjoy what YOU created. I've listened to many recommendations, but they are just that, you need to find it for yourself. And alittle help from above(Audiogon nuts). Enjoy
Yeah, I'm with you. I need a larger house with multiple rooms just to have a chance to listen to all the stuff sitting in closets that is great but don't get to listen to all the time. I have a set of Green Mountain Diamantes in the closet that I get a need to listen to but they are a pain to set up so I don't do it often.
Yea,you guys are both sick;Jeez,get help before it's to late. I have a Jadis 7mk4 and it works just fine. I bought a CJ5 to see how it sounds. Now My Aerial 10Ts; don't know what I'm gonna do/ I would like a pair of them there Halles Transcendense 8's. I'm sure we can get group rates.