Speaker Fetish

I don't know if I am alone or not but I like speakers. I have a pair and am not looking to replace them but I find myself drawn to looking into new speakers all of the time. I don't know if I should go to a shrink or is this normal? Any coments? DO I NEED HELP?????
I think its just a hobby thing. Can't say man thing, cause their are many women we don't know about, in this hobby too. We are in sane. I think were so drawn into this hobby that were always thinking there's better out there. I'm happy with my equip., just a couple more things and I'll be done. I believe you need to find a speaker you can be happy with and do alot of home auditions with different amps/pre's till you find the right combo, its out there; just takes alot of leg work to find it. Once you do, hopefully you'll be happy. My theory is keep those speakers or buy some you can live with, and improve on the pre/amp/cables. Then stop and try to enjoy what YOU created. I've listened to many recommendations, but they are just that, you need to find it for yourself. And alittle help from above(Audiogon nuts). Enjoy
I hear ya man. Got the same disease, my home is starting to look like a stereo store. I am going to find that perfect one yet. But having all of those speakers around makes comparisons real kool.
Pcc, just keep telling yourself that you are about done, just a couple of more things..... Yea, just one more drink, I 'll stop, I swear it. Looks like we are going to have to do another intervention!!
I know, I know...The speakers I see pictured in the ads look like big pieces of candy. My head about exploded when I saw the lacquered Merlins. And when I read the reviews, forget about it. And those new Burmesters...i'll never have savings account.