Speakers for a large vaulted room?

I have a listening room that is new to me. I have had trouble with my gear in this room and I want to see if anyone thinks the speakers will make a difference.

First, the room is rectangular with a brick fireplace flue that goes floor to ceiling pretty much dead center of the room. from front wall(speaker side) to back wall; a distance of 23'. I sit with my back to the 2 1/2' fireplace with all the empty space on either side of me. The walls on either side of me are 16' apart and only 4 1/2' tall then the ceiling take over and goes to a 12 or 13' peak.

Second, I am using an SP-6 preamp, V70 power amp from audio research and Magnapan IIIa's. I realize that the Magnepans need more power so I wanted to go with PSB Synchrony one's.

Showing 1 response by islandmandan

My room is larger than yours, and I drive my Tannoy HPD 315's (12" Dual Concentric) mostly with 35Wpc, an old VAC PA 35.35. With these vintage speakers (though with custom cabinets, custom crossovers, and current-version "Hard Edge" surrounds from the Prestige line), the 35 year old drivers aren't quite the antiques they were, but anyway, they pressurize my large room very well, and the bass is outstanding. If you can, try to audition Tannoys, the 15" Glenaire should work nicely for your needs.