Streaming Audio is Trying My Newbie Patience. Help

PC rookie here, trying to learn.

I purchased Amarra HiFi and cannot get it to work when streaming Internet radio. I also downloaded the trial of Amarra 3.0 which theoretically does play streaming files,, but still no luck. I've also tried a few of the other players, Decibel, JR River, etc and still am baffled.

All players will work with my iTunes playlists. But improving streaming radio is also a priority.

My main computer is a MacPro 3.2 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xenon. 10 gigs RAM. OS 10.8.5.

My laptop is running OS 10.6 , Intel, 2 gigs RAM.

I've uninstalled all programs and reinstalled. I've deleted every plist I can find relative to those programs. I've started and restarted both computers. I am very keen on making this work. :)

Thanks for any suggestions.


Showing 7 responses by ps

When streaming radio, I cannot toggle Amarra back and forth by clicking on the button so that audio is running through Amarra, not iTunes. The button always remains yellow no matter how many times I click on it. It does not matter in what sequence I launch either app. I have set Amarra preferences to dock with iTunes.

When the source is from iTunes playlist files, I can engage Amarra and the button turns blue.
I'm awaiting a response from an Amarra tech person and will report results. I am quite pleased with the improvement Amarra makes to the files I can play through it, but streaming is a priority, and the main reason I purchased the program.
Thanks so much, you guys for the very helpful info. I now have a much better understanding of the differences between the Amarra products. I also understand streaming music as well.

I am still awaiting an answer from Amarra on how to get sQ to open on either of my Macs.

My DAC is an azur Cambridge Audio DacMagic, which I've selected in "sound" preferences. If I change the setting to "sonic stream" I get no sound at all.
Hi HGeifman:
You asked:
"Is the problem that Amarra sQ will NOT open on your MAC Computer or is the problem Amarra sQ opens but does not play music thru Amarra sQ?"

I simply cannot even open Amarra sQ, no matter what sequence I use, iTunes first or second. I've tried uninstalling everything Amarra sQ file on my computer and then reinstalling. No success. On my MacPro, when I try to open sQ, I get a form which asks me to verify all my info. When I do that, and click "send" nothing happens except I get a message that I'm using unauthorized soft ware. HUH?

Except I'm NOT using Amarra sQ because I can't even open it! When I try to open sQ on my laptop, the window flickers for a split second, but never opens so I don't see any forms to fill out.

At this point, I want my money back. Amarra customer service,, in my experience so far, has been mediocre at best. The security measures they've taken on their download products is understandable, but also baffling for someone like myself who is not computer/code wise.
Thanks for forwarding this thread to your Amarra person.

Just to be clear, I really would like to have Amarra sQ but only if I can get it to work without a lot of hassle. I did request a refund and am awaiting action on that.
My sense, as a computer music novice/newbie, is that Amarra's security system is quite vigorous, and not entirely "bug free", which translates into user-unfriendliness. I may or may not be correct about this, but all I know is that trying to get sQ to simply open and work on either of my computers has been impossible for me, even after purchasing the program.
HG wrote:
"My Sonic Studio contact reports that one of their experts have been in contact with you and that a remote support session is scheduled for next week with you. You should be operating okay after that. This is outstanding customer service from Sonic Studio"
YES! We are scheduled for Wednesday Jan 27 PM and I am excited. I'm also impressed with their customer service because one of the primary personnel took the time to call me personally.

Thanks again, HG.
First of all, I'd like to publicly thank Mr. HGeifman for all his support on my behalf.

I now have Amarra sQ running on my desktop computer, which is a Mac Pro with Mountain Lion. It's working fine. The next step is to find a pair of good desktop speakers.

But, the Mac laptop I've been using for streaming in my primary audio system may be too old to load Amarra sQ, although Amarra HiFi runs fine on that machine.

I'm awaiting a response from Sonic Studio to determine if I need a newer Mac laptop.

Hope this helps a few other folks out there who may be experiencing similar difficulties.