Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?

I just bought Synergistic Research's new Tesla Accelerator speaker cables and Tesla Vortec interconnects from The Cable Company. I have tried many demo cables from The Cable Company over the past year. These were the first to give me that WOW factor I been looking for so long.

Does anyone have these cables and can you please post your impressions and comments? Thanks.

Showing 16 responses by audiofeil

>.09-23-10: Glory
I feel like Tbg now and TVAD will have to deal with two of us now.<<

I'll bet old Tvad is quaking in his boots.
>>The 203 series feedback stabilizers from Dakiom take these Tesla series cables to the next LEVEL...<<

What level were they at and how many more levels are there?

Just curious.
>>I am having trouble finding words to convey my experience with these cables.<<

Silence is golden.
I'm interested as well Leica_man based on 97% of your 65 posts concern Synergistic.

Also you have zero (none) feedback.

Love to hear from you.
>>03-10-10: Joeyboynj
BTW, over 100,500 views .... WOW!<<

And an even greater number of laughs.
What about Tvad's question from 3/13/10 about level playing field pricing?

Can you answer that?

Thanks in advance.
>>06-13-10: Tbg
They are just Levitron cheaters that have been Quantum Tunneled. I had 7 of them done for my system, which requires that all but the line stage be ungrounded. They are far superior to the standard Levitron cheater.<<

Quantum tunneled cheater plugs.


What's next clever clocks and teleportation tweaks?

Oh that's right, you've done that already.

OMG, I can't stop laughing.
Anybody taking Norm seriously is most likely unaware he was fired from 2 audio ezines within a 12 month period for ethical and performance related issues.

Hope that helps.
Come on Norm, what's the deal?

You respond within seconds of other posts.

Somebody hit a nerve?
$35 for a $.79 3 prong ground lifter.

You can't make this up folks.

Oh yeah, it's been "quantum tunneled".

Thanks Glorious

And you and TBG make a great pair of lightweights.

How's Barney Frank?
Imagine how nice some of these systems could be if the owners spent money on components and not wires.

But a fool and his money are soon parted.
Dave_b's been shilling MIT cables for a long time. Read the posting history. That being said, it's ok for somebody to support his/her favorite product.

The flaw in his thinking is that MIT is the best wire for all owners/systems.

The ideal cables are listener and system dependent.

That, dear readers, is indisputable.