Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?

Don’t get me wrong, I really like to know how things work. I just don’t NEED to, in order to try and, hopefully, benefit from them.

Although much of it is beyond me, the concept of using the spin of particles for information storage & retrieval, and other beneficial things, is a fascinating one.

The internal Quantum Signal Enhancer that I have is said to work by aligning the spin of electrons and protons. The Quantum Purifier (the one with the resistor) apparently works on a different principle.

You have the right to do what you want in life and I respect that.  Please update us here if you ever find the answer.  For me, I will continue to enjoy my music that brings me joy and happiness.  Life is just too short.

I am with Tommylion on this. I don't give a damn how or why this works and all the theories behind it. It doesn't mean a thing to me if it does not sound good, Period. I don't think people should post any negative comments on it if you have not heard what the device can do to your system. For me there are only 2 things matter. 1. the device has to make my system sound better and 2. price that I can afford. It is that simple. Come on guys, don't make life more complicated if you don't have to!

That's all well and good, I suppose, however it would serve some purpose, some higher purpose to determine whether the Bybee device in question is, in fact, a quantum mechanical device as it's purported to be or a plain ordinary stock resistor, no? It's almost always better to try and get to the bottom of a thing rather than slough it off. Saying something like I don't care how it works but works it does it actually one of my least favorite reviewer comments, one made all too frequently. Aren't they capable of analysis or possess curiosity?

My point is that not everything that exists or existed will affect the audio signal in a meaningful way. Simple existence of acid rain does not mean we need to be concerned about it for audio reproduction of music.

Huh? That doesn’t make sense. No one ever said everything that exists or existed affects the audio signal in a meaningful way. What’s next, the sky is not purple? Thanks for the excellent example of a Strawman argument.

I am with Tommylion on this.  I don't give a damn how or why this works and all the theories behind it.  It doesn't mean a thing to me if it does not sound good, Period.  I don't think people should post any negative comments on it if you have not heard what the device can do to your system.  For me there are only 2 things matter.  1. the device has to make my system sound better and 2. price that I can afford.  It is that simple.  Come on guys, don't make life more complicated if you don't have to!
My point is that not everything that exists or existed will affect the audio signal in a meaningful way. Simple existence of acid rain does not mean we need to be concerned about it for audio reproduction of music.
A study done many years ago found out just how far behind most doctors are when it comes to current medical beliefs, thinking and procedures. Everything from nutrition to post operative therapy were about 10-20 years behind the curve. They discovered it takes about that amount of time for everyone to catch up. 

Now these folk have M.D. (me doctor!) next to their names but are they really up to speed on most matters? It isn't that big of a stretch to extrapolate that to any other field of endeavor. Heck, some smart folk would consider it a given. A degree signifies an achievement but how many further their studies and keep an open mind?

All the best,
The ubiquitous CD laser itself is a quantum mechanical device. Hel-loo! Specifically, a quantum well. So are WA Quantum Chips quantum mechanical. (Hence the word Quantum in their name.) So is the Intelligent Chip. One reason it's so intelligent, one assumes. So are the Bybee purifiers. He used to work in submarines. As I predicted the naysayers go bonkers over the words, quantum mechanics. Why, shucks, off the top of my head at least five of my products work quantum mechanically. No big deal.
LOL, twice as hard! There you have it, so called quantum science exist, for everything but audio!  

Lol. Quantum mechanics is real and so are many mind boggling things like black holes. Naysayers do not deny them. Quantum mechanics plays a role in junctions in transistors.

However, there is absolutely no evidence that these things play any meaningful role with regard to sound when a so-called "quantum mechanical" device is stuck to the inner chassis.

It is the same as saying you don’t need a special device to prevent the audio interference of black holes and having someone say you are a naysayer because you deny black holes exist (The existence of black holes does not mean black holes affect audio or their effect can be mitigated.)

I would recommend to the scoffers, naysayers, skeptics, and EE's to
watch either nova or History channel on quantum physics, pretty mind boggling, violates all standards of known physics, not my opinion.
Pretty big pill to swallow, new horizons are upon us! Solid state electricity, any EE will tell you its impossible, yet its already being done,
glass batteries, gene splicing, AI, accessing other dimensions, all happening right now in science labs around the world. 
Bybee took quantum mechanics in school more than 60 years ago. That’s only about 15 years after quantum mechanics was "invented." Just don’t mention quantum mechanics anywhere around naysayers unless you want to witness a real mud fight.

There’s no fine line between quantum mechanics and classical physics. - Old audiophile expression

I really can understand skepticism about the Bybee iQSE. I'm still trying to wrap my head around what it does in my system, and how it does it. There's no denying what I hear (and others have heard and described), though. You can say it's all in my head, expectation bias, mass delusion, insanity, whatever you want to call it, I really don't care. I'm loving it.

If you dare, take a step outside your comfort zone, risk being called a fool, and give it a try. I'm betting you'll be glad you did.
Looking in the mirror again, eh? And stop using my lines! As I’ve intimated recently those who think that fuses are controversial haven’t seen anything yet. If you’re having conniptions now just wait’ll you get a load of what I’ve got up my sleeve.

Geoff Kait
Machina Dynamica
Advanced Audio Concepts

A sufficiently advanced technology is oft mistaken for voodoo.

Can't see the forest through the trees, look hard Geoff you may see it.

Cheers George
There you have it folks. Someone who understands Ohm’s Law and who can work out an electronics math problem. But also someone who steadfastly does not believe the claim that wire is directional - even when presented with the Ohm’s Law results of wire tests (HiFi Tuning). And they both have HiFi in their name. Anyone who doesn’t see the irony raise your hands.
V.P. S-Agnew
Good buddy, great knowledge of Ohms/Kirchhoff and Coulomb's laws of electronics.

Cheers George
That’s right if you couldn’t do that without the need to Google then your statement
"I've forgotten more electronics than you ever knew. Assuming you ever knew any"
Is moot and pure voodoo.

If you want we can continue and I’ll throw some harder stuff at you, that you won’t find in your book of voodoo, or be able to Google, but if your worth your electronic engineering salt, as you say you are then you should be able nut it out also in under 1min.

Cheers George.
Whoa! What!! Hey, even I can’t Google that fast. Gimme a break. Where's the trust?
George, Wow! You really can’t see the forest for the trees, can you?  This is probably just a case of a little knowledge can sometimes be a dangerous thing.

Buzzzzz. Voodooist! You loose. And you got 2mins

Answer= .318hz -3dB

Cheers George
Ok a simple test, must be done in the next 1min a source has an output dc bocking cap of 10uf, it seeing the input impedance of the next stage of 50kohm, what is the -3db point in hz?

Cheers George  
Georgie old bean, let's put things into their correct perspective, shall we? I've forgotten more electronics than you ever knew. Assuming you ever knew any. 

And all this means what? That Bybee is a crook? That his products are not quantum mechanical but ordinary plain resistors and whatever? That the Bybee reviews are rigged? That this Bybee stuff is nothing more than placebo effect and expectation bias? That everyone except you is delusional? That it’s group hypnosis? All of the above?

You said it Geoff, not me?
Just like Saun Mook and his black pucks, and reverse-able $$$$ fuses here.
Pure voodoo that has no laws of electronics for any backup to claims whatsoever, just expectation bias.

Cheers George


geoffkait: George, I bet you and analogluvr actually believe it’s just an ordinary resistor.

Oh yes they are, nothing more ,nothing less. unless they’ve had some sort of voodoo spell cast on them, they are just plain Pacific brand power resistors.

Cheers George

And all this means what? That Bybee is a crook? That his products are not quantum mechanical but ordinary plain resistors and whatever? That the Bybee reviews are rigged? That this Bybee stuff is nothing more than placebo effect and expectation bias? That everyone except you is delusional? That it’s group hypnosis? All of the above?
geoffkait5,824 posts
George, I bet you and analogluvr actually believe it's just an ordinary resistor. 

Oh yes they are, nothing more ,nothing less. unless they've had some sort of voodoo spell cast on them, they are just plain Pacific brand power resistors.

Cheers George 
An active room neutralizer would be a great thing to have when your relatives start arguing during the holidays.

That's so true! Not to mention when all your audio buds come over for a listening session with lots of beer, tacos and bean dip.

2,593 posts
06-17-2017 9:26pm
analogluvr323 posts06-17-2017 8:27am Just a heads up that somebody took apart one of those purifiers and it was a two dollar resister inside. I believe it shows a pic on Cam in a thread about that same product.
This is one, just a .025ohm resistor, there are others, if anyone wants to shatter their dreams.

From diyAudio forums.

Cheers George

George, I bet you and analogluvr actually believe it's just an ordinary resistor. This is reminiscent of the time when a budding skeptic took an Intelligent Chip to his local metallurgy lab for analysis with a scanning electron microscope. He reported the microscope observed certain metals on each side of the small metal disc but no "quantum material" was found, presumably intimating a hoax had taken place. Sadly for the budding skeptic, the quantum material was sandwiched between the metal layers, invisible to prying eyes. 

An active room neutralizer would be a great thing to have when your relatives start arguing during the holidays.
Post removed 
analogluvr323 posts06-17-2017 8:27am Just a heads up that somebody took apart one of those purifiers and it was a two dollar resister inside. I believe it shows a pic on Cam in a thread about that same product.
This is one, just a .025ohm resistor, there are others, if anyone wants to shatter their dreams.

From diyAudio forums.

Cheers George

iQSE.....Yes Jack Bybee has discovered entire new branches of physics. He has an Active Room Neutralizer that plugs into the AC power and resonates the air molecules in the room such that it allows the transmission of sound without the usual time misalignment of frequencies.

Good Grief.

The only passive thing that can have an effect from a distance stuck on the inside of a steel chassis is probably made from a high permeability material like mu metal. Nothing magical as this very high permeability metal will alter transformer generated magnetic fields from the power supply and will act as a shield from stray fields.

Alternatvely some form of vibration damping may help with microphonic equipment (poor design to begin with as electronic equipment can be easily designed that is NOT microphonic).

Of course a well designed power supply and carefully designed component should not need a band aid like this. 
Quick update on the iQSE device.  Not 100% sure but feel like the device sounded even better after 2 days, could be my imaination.  The most important thing is it sounds greated and does not change the tonal balance.  Not like other devices that only make the sound more forward or louder, this thing makes music more musical and more engaging.  Is this what analog supposed to sound?  I don't know but I like it a lot even though I have no turntable in my system.  Took them out and the sound becomes flat and dull immediately.  Attached one iQSE on the back of my TV near the power cord, some of the things that were unnoticed or hidden before are there now.  Also change the color a little bit, I think it's a little unnatural.  Overall, the picture is more real and you could see more details.  However, I would say the improvement is only between 5-15%.  Not as dramatic as being used on the AC outlet for audio.  Attached another iQSE to the back of the TV made no differences at all.  That's all I have for now.
Just got the iQSI in the mail today. I was going to put it in my DAC, but after reading about others getting good results using it around power inlets, I placed it on top of the Tara Labs Powerscreen that my transport, DAC, and amp are plugged into (pre is passive). Heard the results right away, no break in needed (Hooray!).

I am stunned! Rather than try to describe what it does myself, I will just say that Larry Cox nailed it in the Positive Feedback review linked above.
Just a heads up that somebody took apart one of those purifiers and it was a two dollar resister inside. I believe it shows a pic on Cam in a thread about that same product.

Gotta link to that pic? I thought not. 
 Just a heads up that somebody took apart one of those purifiers and it was a two dollar resister inside. I believe it shows a pic on Cam in a thread about that same product. 

"Anyone who is building “high-end” products that are limited by power supply performance should find a different business."

Quote above from reputable audio equipment manufacturer

For audiophiles that need special power cords or fuses, the above statement can be adapted to;

"Anyone who is buying “high-end” products that are limited by power supply performance should find a different product."

>>>>>OK, Mr. Smarty Pants. Name one. Bet you can't. Get real.
I think the point being made is every single piece of gear ever made is limited by the power supply. This includes everything plugged into any wall outlet in your home. That is what Jack is saying.
"Anyone who is building “high-end” products that are limited by power supply performance should find a different business."

Quote above from reputable audio equipment manufacturer

For audiophiles that need special power cords or fuses, the above statement can be adapted to;

"Anyone who is buying “high-end” products that are limited by power supply performance should find a different product."
If you read the Positive Feedback review and read after that you'll see a pic of two iQSEs attached to the right and left of two high quality power cords plugged into the wall outlet.  The owner said he experienced sonic improvements with this application.  I emailed byte about that application.  Here is Jack Bybee's response.

 The iQSE is anew product and what is the right application or the wrong application is up to the end user.  We are now finding that the maximum benefit is the utilization of several (3) iQSEs being placed inside the incoming AC electric breaker box and two or three units inside the circuit breaker panel works wonders. This method then treats the entire AC in the house, business or apartment not just a single piece of equipment. The audio benefits but also the TVs becomes sharper with greater resolutation and color saturation. The iQSEs now become a very powerful and effective POWER CONDITIONER. The original intent and purpose was just to treat individual pieces of electronics of audio but many of my customers have become creative and have experimented utilizing the iQSEs in many applications as evidenced in the picture. All reports and feedback has indicated the treating the incoming AC is the most cost effective use of the iQSEs.
Best regards,


Jack BybeeBybee
After reading about the iQSE yesterday, I emailed Parts Connexion to see if they would be carrying them along with the other Bybee products in their line. Here is their response.  

Bybee is re-designing it…, we are between production runs.


New version will be out in about 25 days or so.


$150 retail…..our intro special will be 20% Off.


Let us know if you’d like place an order, and we back-order it for you. Thanks.




Chris Johnson - President,

1504377 Ontario Limited o/a


5403 Harvester Road

Unit 1

Burlington, Ontario


I've got one of the Bybee iQSEs arriving today or tomorrow. Plan to put it in my DAC.