The BEST system you've ever built !!!!

What is the best system that you have ever put together , from source to speakers including cables ??? After all the swaps and auditions I'm looking for the final "aahhh, that's the ticket" sound to you and what components took you to Audio Nirvana. {This is a survey of actual auditions, not what you read in a magazine} THANKS,

Showing 4 responses by issabre

Real name is Todd. And I'll be a monkey's uncle if you don't own/ did own/ want to own most of what I said...or you've been masquerading on Audiogon for a long time. Also, you own a pair of Maggies. N'est ce pas? David99 if you were aiming at insulting me, you're the B-O-Z-O. Look it up clown.
I think it's also kind of interesting to see how good a system you can put together on a limited budget. To give a little hope to those here who can't spend as much as a Mercedes on audio, I'll put my system out there. It's not the last word in resolution, but it sounds pretty nice and all was purchased second hand. Vandersteen 2ce with stands (retail 1400, I got them for $450,) Radio Shack 10 gauge (pennies), Aragon 24K preamp ($399), Dyanco ST-70 ($300 on Ebay) running highs, Marchand XM26 ($199 Kit form) Tube Active Crossover, Perreaux P2150 (over $2000 grand new, got it for $575) running bass, And Sean here on this website set me up with some spectacular interconnects for only $15 bucks each pair...they were so good I ditched my more expensive pair. Cheap Nak CD4 on source...that's kind of embarrassing, but I'll get something better soon. So there you go, a pretty damn good system for about $ can't get a fancy rack system at Circuit City for that anymore.
Carl, Not to out you or anything but let me guess from memory... Resolution CD player, Rogue 88 amps, Krell KAV 300i amp, VPI turntable (or was it Sota), and MIT terminator 2 cables, MIT interconnects. For the love of me, I can't remember your preamp...perhaps also a Krell? See, you just have a very noticable presence on Audiogon...and I've got a pretty good memory. How accurate was I?
I agree. This is no contest. And Carl, I apologize, I wasn't trying to reveal anything that you haven't already talked about her on the forum. I was just trying to have a little fun. Besides, you and Garfish Albert and the rest are regular participants. I think it's pretty normal that by now we know at least a little about the other guys systems. It means that we respect their choices and opinions and have remembered about what they've said on certain topics. That's what makes it an online community...kind of like seeing the guys at work and asking "how are the kids." I've been shopping for some MIT speaker cables lately because of your rave reviews on them (among others). So don't take offense.