The BEST system you've ever built !!!!

What is the best system that you have ever put together , from source to speakers including cables ??? After all the swaps and auditions I'm looking for the final "aahhh, that's the ticket" sound to you and what components took you to Audio Nirvana. {This is a survey of actual auditions, not what you read in a magazine} THANKS,
I have built a few systems, mostly mid-fi because of the budget others were working with (i.e., parents & friends). They wanted certain capabilities but didn't want to shell out the $$$. My system has been a "work-in-progress" as it sounds like others are too. That's half the fun, right? I have heard high $$$ systems, some that I loved and others that I liked. I guess you can equate it to something like - do you prefer the sound of a guitar or a piano? Both can be expertly constructed and expensive but are designed for different types of music. The analogy here is that it depends on the taste of the individual and the music they prefer - or mostly listen to (hope that makes sense). My current system has evolved over the last 15 years and, until I get a substantial raise, it will continue to evolve modestly. I have performed just about every tweak I can to extract the maximum performance from the equipment. Alas, just about every piece of gear though is under $2K retail though. I know where I'd like to be and am sure I will get there some day but I do enjoy my current set-up. I would list all my gear but this post is long enough already! BTW: I've had the pleasure of listening to Albert Porter's system and it IS awesome! I will say that it is his knowledge, experience and hours of dedication that has gotten it to sound so good!
I think it's also kind of interesting to see how good a system you can put together on a limited budget. To give a little hope to those here who can't spend as much as a Mercedes on audio, I'll put my system out there. It's not the last word in resolution, but it sounds pretty nice and all was purchased second hand. Vandersteen 2ce with stands (retail 1400, I got them for $450,) Radio Shack 10 gauge (pennies), Aragon 24K preamp ($399), Dyanco ST-70 ($300 on Ebay) running highs, Marchand XM26 ($199 Kit form) Tube Active Crossover, Perreaux P2150 (over $2000 grand new, got it for $575) running bass, And Sean here on this website set me up with some spectacular interconnects for only $15 bucks each pair...they were so good I ditched my more expensive pair. Cheap Nak CD4 on source...that's kind of embarrassing, but I'll get something better soon. So there you go, a pretty damn good system for about $ can't get a fancy rack system at Circuit City for that anymore.
Carl, Not to out you or anything but let me guess from memory... Resolution CD player, Rogue 88 amps, Krell KAV 300i amp, VPI turntable (or was it Sota), and MIT terminator 2 cables, MIT interconnects. For the love of me, I can't remember your preamp...perhaps also a Krell? See, you just have a very noticable presence on Audiogon...and I've got a pretty good memory. How accurate was I?
Not very accurate at all, no, and I forget your real name, Isabre? I like to know who I'm talking to, just a matter of a thing called honor, is all........And like I said, I'm more interested in hearing from those that have put many true world class systems together. In this thread, the rest is irrelevant to me. I seek the knowledge I do not yet possess, the rest is very boring. When someone says "BEST", then let's talk the good stuff. Since I haven't done systems over $100,000 retail, I'd just as soon hear from those who have. And please, no more blather about how money doesn't always determine performance...that may be, but it essentially does, when you're talking world class...and as long as you have the experience to make use of it. Almost none of us here, do. That's all I'm saying...and that's why it's fun to read the magazines, because they get to set up and use the stuff, without buying it. We all wish we could do that, perhaps...
I swear audiogon has been taken over by a bunch of 15 year old boom box,wanna be high-enders.I can't believe Carl is being taunted to "give it up" sounds like 15 year old crap speech to me.Then when Carl posts his most acceptable reply as to why he wants to stay quiet on this topic another 15 year old BOZZO decides he is going to reveal Carl's system to all the world!!(OH NO)!! Besides having his system confused,what exactly are you teens attempting to accomplish? This should be real good!