The BEST system you've ever built !!!!

What is the best system that you have ever put together , from source to speakers including cables ??? After all the swaps and auditions I'm looking for the final "aahhh, that's the ticket" sound to you and what components took you to Audio Nirvana. {This is a survey of actual auditions, not what you read in a magazine} THANKS,
Hi sound_decisions. If I were to own a ss amp it would be Gryphon. I also think there CD player is the best I have heard with the exception of the Goldmun top of the line. Venture and Gryphon combination is hard to beat but I still think the best tube stuff is the way to go.
Sound_decisions I would be the first person to agree that show sounds aren't the best. I guess my point on you was missed. You are to have us believe based on your vast experience that you hold the answer to what is best in reproduced audio. I guarantee that you don't. If you don't believe it then ask yourself this question, Why are there so many products out there? And please don't tell me it is because no one has heard Gryphon amps and Martin Loagan Statement loudspeakers. Reproduced audio is an ILLUSION it is not real. So far as I'm concerned the two are completely different. So to you I say I'm happy for you. I still believe tubes get me to real better than any solid state I have heard to date. But then again that is just my tastes. You really don't hold the key to anything except what you personally believe in. I'm happy for you.
Albert, I am curious and interested in auditioning the Aesthetix Callisto, which is difficult to find in the NYC area. Can you speak a little about it, how it sounds, and what the effect of the dual power supply upgrade is over the standard unit? I am assuming that you have heard the Callisto with and without the power supply upgrades. Also, what tubes are you using in the Callisto. By the way, your Telefunken 6922's are still doing the job in my CAT. Thanks very much. Ray.
Here's a tip,when you go to a show almost everything is new out of the box.There has never been a room in 15 years that sounds impressive in my opinion.I also sell Aerial and their rooms have always been dark and unresolving.So the next time you go to a show take it with a grain of salt,If a system sounds good to you at a show it may not sound that good after break-in.As for a dealer that likes his own product this is true, but I had a long road to get there you see, I tried many brands to try to compete with the Gryphon gear(Balanced Audio,Threshold,Rowland,Audio Research,L.A. audio from Denmark,Jolida,Audio Inovations,McCormack,Simaudio,YBA,Naim,Melos)and came up with some wonderful sounds,all I am saying is I believe if you live with a piece of Gryphon,you'll never want anything else.I stand behind everything I sell if your not happy I will take it back.Gryphon dose not come back.It is the most tonealy correct gear out there today.
Sound_decisions Thanks for the input. If I hadn't heard such an absolute opinion on specific gear at least 50 times prior to yours, I might believe you. Your opinion is quite compelling, especially to the uninitiated. I say to you this, it is your opinion and you are entitled to it. I DID once hear a Gryphon amp, to what speakers I don't remember, at the 1994 Stereophile show. It was a ho hum run of the mill demo but then again it was an audio show. And as to Carl's remarks concerning yours it reminds me of a recent encounter I had with a dealer who recommended one product (which he so happened to be a dealer of, surprise, surprise) over another product that was universally accepted in the market. I went with his recommendation. The unit was sent back in short order. So to you I say reproduced audio and real music are different. Tastes will vary from individual to individual as to what gear will make music sound real or for that matter more enjoyable. There are no absolutes, sorry!
What a refreshing surprise: A dealer who likes what he sells, and doesn't like what he happens not to carry! Hope I didn't stamp your toes too hard...
I am going to vent here a little bit so bear with me.I have sold most things under the sun and as far as electronics are concerned Nothing I repeat NOTHING is even close to Gryphon period!!!Now some of you may say..well that is just your opionion....granted but I base my opionion on a sound that is as NATURAL as we can acheve with today's technologies.Rowlands??..sorry but..NOT..Krell or Levenson...I won't even take them on trade in!!Audio Research??..NOT.(Audio Recap)..all you have to do is send your unit in and we'll put these beter caps in and it will sound soo much better..Hey Joe,mabe we should have put these caps in in the begaining..No matter,better..yes..but still far far away from Gryphon.Wavestream..ok.. A hell of alot better than Any other tube gear...still not a Gryphon.Since 94 when I first recieved my first Gryphon they have been the raining champions.In fact as far as solid state is concern I do not believe anyone has even surpast Gryphon's first amp the DM100 back in the late 80's.Hey what about Spectral..It just doesn't seem to have enough of a human element for a natural sound.Speakers??.. there's a can of worms..If a large speaker is not a problem it has to be Martin Logan Statements...period!!...getting back to a more user friendly as far as size is concern I have 3,Venture,Avalon,Artimis in that order.Of all these speakers I only sell the Ventures.Wire there are two Gryphon for silver and MAC wire for copper lovers sell the Ventures.Turntables..3,Goldmond Referance, Rockport Technologies and the Kuzma referance.Tonearms??.. Air tangent and Graham.Cartriges??..Cardas heart,Koetsu Rosewood series,trasconfiguration.If anyone has any brands they would like a reply to feel free to E-mail me at DBA,Sound Decisions..for those who can hear the differance.Gryphon web site is Gryphon-audio.DK I did not mean to step on anyones toes.
all audiophile systems are continously in a state of evolvolution..or should be but my current system is the best i have heard...aloia 13.01 inductive amps(2)..aloia preamp..scd-1...dodson217mkIId dac...von schweikert vr5 speakers (vertically biamped) tekne interconnects and speaker cables...ps300...viper2 powercords to scd-1 and dodson dac and old speakers ..aliante pininfarina ones wrere also great with this system and were biamped.
Yeah Charles I do have a comment. I have said the same thing myself time and time again. The only way it is going to happen is if you abstain from sites like this, stop reading the rags, hole up in a room somewhere and just enjoy your music. Otherwise you are just kidding yourself, it never ends!
Krellpower1: What is the best system I have put together?? Well, that would be my current system. I have been building this system for about the last three years now (I am building a now building a system for the long haul, and after I finish obtaining the pieces (all I need now is a high-end, single play CD Player and I am searching for a Meridian 506.18, 506.20 or a 506.24), I plan to only tweek periodically and that would be it (power conditioner/surge suppressor, hospital grade outlets (after I finish buying my new house), and a new audio stand (rosewood cabinet with filled metal shelves..... haven't ruled out making one myself, with a marble top), and upgraded power cords for the components which can accept them), that's going to be it. The only upgrades I forsee making in the future are either adding a subwoofer of significant pedigree (an REL Strata Mk II) or upgrading my speakers altogether (from the KEF Reference 102's that I now presently have to Vandersteen 2Ce (going to buy those new, because I want them specially made to blend in with my decor..... either Rosewood or Cherrywood endcaps with the black sock wrap around cloth). But other than that, that will be it. My current system is (in it's present state, that is) as follows. KEF Reference 102 Speaker System w/KUBE Equalizer (brand new.... 1988), Adcom GFA-545 MkII Power Amplifier (bought used..... for $250.00), Adcom GFP-750 Preamplifier (bought it brand new..... does so much for so little..... and it sounds great), Magnum Dynalab FT-101 FM Tuner (bought it used for $590.00 from "ebay"), JVC XL-M509TN CD Player/Changer (bought it brand new a few years back and was used in an older system..... will be used as a second step-down player when I am not listening attentively to music, or used to provide background music, or used when I am having company), Nakamichi BX-300 Cassette Deck, and MITerminator 2 and 3 Interconnects and Speakers Cables (the Speaker Cables are the MITerminator 2...... all purchased from Audio Advisor). As I said in the beginning, I am now searching for a Meridian 506.18 (linear tracking model), 506.20 or a 506.24 (reasonably priced..... I'll take one that is about two years old, if possible or talk my dealer into buying their demo 506.24 for $1,000.00 less, whichever comes first). That's going to be the last significant piece that I am going to buy. After that, that's going to be it I'm afraid. Comments/Questions anyone?? --Charles--
After 30 years of tweaking, upgrading, etc. I have finally gone "all in" with the following: Analog - VPI Aires, JMR, BenzMicro Ruby II, Phono stage BAT VP-10; Digital - Wadia 270/27ix; Preamp - BAT VK50SE; Amp - Mark Levinson 33; Speakers - Dynaudio Evidence; cabeling - Harmonic Technology (this is the only area I would consider changing at this point); Other - PS Audio 600, Tube Traps, and other assorted tweak products. The system sounds magnificent and can, with the right material, truly create that elusive illusion of "being there."
Thses systems are alwys changing. I just added a Rowland Coherence -II preamp to go along with the Theta HT processor that just came. David
I have found this thread to be very positive on the whole and was warmly reflecting on Albert's last remarks about having friends over for a music sessions. That's what it is about for me. That combination of comradie, drink-food and music is a joy for me. My friends deserve all the credit for bringing over and sharing recordings that have enriched my life. Without their music knowledge, their relentless search for rare brilliant performances, and their willingness to share, this whole experience would have been much less for me. I see this theme as an underlining critical ingredient in many Audiogon threads. Nice to see and I enjoy that! Albert's other comment about respect for others is right-on, and I wish I would see this practiced more often on this site. Still, I do prefer real feelings, opinions and comments to restrained meaningless dribble. Some strong opinions will cause some misunderstandings and ruffled feathers. It's amusing actually. I been told a personal music "find" I shared was a "real dog", and heard from my best friends "I can't believe you like that". I admit to lot of poor taste, guilty pleasures, and lived to laugh about it. Hopefully, we are learning from each other and enjoying the journey.
There are countless ways to put together a musical system. This system works for me ... > BAT VK-60 mono-block amps > BAT VK-50SE Pre-amp > CEC TL-1X CD Transport > Audio Logic 2400 DAC > Vandersteen 5 Speakers > Transparent Ultra Bi-Cable Speaker Cables > Transparent Reference Interconnects > Transparent Reference AES/EBU Digital Interconnect Good Listening!!
Thanks Slawney and Tubegroover. I am actually not very political. My actions are conservative, in that I believe every voice has a right to a turn. And Liberal, in that I try not to judge what each person has to say, particularly if I lack experience on the subject. It comes to basic courtesy, everyone needs to be treated with a bit of respect, I try to do this while holding firm to my own experiences. I have noticed that when a fight breaks out at Audiogon, it is usually because someone got their feelings hurt. Pretty much a normal human reaction. Thanks for the compliment on my equipment, I wish more people could visit me and hear my system. Oddly enough, I have four (new) regular visitors who now come for music night, I became acquainted with all of them through Audiogon! All these people are dedicated audiophiles and fun to be with. My wife (I think) is hoping that it does not turn into a mob. It is fun though.
What I mean, Albert and Tubegroover, is that Albert's system has the nature of a federation: a union or formation of groups (here: interlinked components) by agreement of each member to subordinate its power to that of the central authority in common affairs (here: the Aesthetix IO/ Callisto, the conjoined 300 pound authority in affairs). With my reverence and admiration, Albert, you have built a system so perfectly structured that it might serve as a model for some future utopian philosopher to use when thinking up a perfect state. Anyway, underlying the "federative" metaphor was also the idea that a man that can build an audio system like yours would act judiciously in political life and maybe make a good politican or clergyman. I have noticed how Albert's role in many forums has been that of (to use another metaphor) a "shepherd," trying to keep the wayward sheep of the flock from straying or the wilder ones from fighting with one another. Call it a metaphor, but I like metaphors better than purely aristo-metric (maybe even aristocratic) terms like "the BEST."
Slawney What is a "Federative Government"? I also was curious as to what that means. Sounds like some term from a political science course, a term to reference ? or maybe an inside term used by government diplomats and analyists. I can't every remember coming across it before. Will
Slawney, I hope that my system being the most perfect example of a "federative government" of components and accessories is a good thing. I admit that I don't know what that means. I do know that it works very well, but like all things, probably will evolve to some other variation, given enough time.
Hi folks. Here is my journey. Turntable: Forsell air force one,tonearm Forsell air bearing,cartridges:Transfiguration AF 1, Symphonic line RG 8 gold, Clearaudio Insider Reference, pre-pre dr. Forsell, pre Convergent Ultimate, crossover M.L. lnc 2, power amps 4 Fourier Panthere otl monoblocks feeding Sound Lab Ultimate 1 . Wires: VDH mc silver and Third. Who helped me to build? My wife and my cat, with their discriminating ears,of course!
Albert, your system is the most perfect example of a "federative government" of components and accessories.
If your initials are "SD", and you aren't in the "continental" US, we have a mutual acquaintance.
I have read the many threads submitted here. I see some really dictated audiophiles that seemed to be searching for that elusive Sound that causes us to get all excited about all the many components we have gathered. I have followed in the steps of many of you. My current system represents probably my last system. Time has moved on with all the new & innovative equipment coming available today. My current system Consist of Jeff Rowland Consonance preamp, I hope to be able to replace this with an EAD unit, the Ovation. I am using a pair of Jeff Rowland Model 7 power amps. Both my preamp & power amps have all the latest updates from Jeff. I am using Krell power cords on these. For some mystical reason they sound like a veil has been removed with the Krell power cords. This was a very inexpensive upgrade that one of my friends suggested. IT WORKED for me. I am using Magnan IV balanced interconnects between the pre-amp & amps. I am using Duntech Classic Sovereign 2001 speakers. This was the predecessor for John Dunlavy for the Dunlavy V’s. I have just recently replaced all the drivers with a matched set from Duntech. I am a planner lover from way back. Maggie MG III’s were my first experience. I have used the Maggie Typhinify IV’s, and then Beverage Model V’s with built in subs, then the Vandersteen Model IV’s, also Wilson Watt Puppies. I have found for my taste & application the Duntech’s are my lifetime first choice. Although I listened to the Dunlavy V’s & VI’s prior to updating my Duntech’s, I still prefer the Duntech sound. I use Goertz AG-2, shotgun (double-runs to each speaker). I have auditioned many speaker cables but my taste is always the AG-2’s with each new A B comparison. Currently I am using a Pioneer CD & Laser disc combination front end. I am using XLO Ref 1.1. Cable here. I am looking to change this completely with a CD transport & D/A. I am just not able to discover which one will serve my listening taste best. I miss my Goldmon Reference Turntable, SME arm w/Koetsu Gold Ion ox cartridge. OH Well, I said I was going to digital. I use a pair of Genesis 900 Subs crossed over at 35 cycles, believe me when I say I have the bottom octave covered. Now for the most important component that I think most people forget so many times, “THE ROOM”. I consider this the most cost effective component in my system. I have just completed & moved into a dictated building 24’ X 16’ X 9’. This building has a hall connecting it to my home. It has a separate 200 AMP electrical system. I am using an industrial power supply & filter between the meter & panel. Total power isolation & regulation, laboratory grade. I picked this up from a hospital used equipment outlet. I only paid $500 for it. It probably cost at least $25,000 new. It was for laboratory power. All receptacles are hospital grade with separate 20 amp circuits for each power amp (wired out of phase for noise cancellation) I have 12 segragated circuits to the mail panel for components. All are wire with 12/3-shielded pure copper. Separate Ground for pre-amp & power amps (eliminates ground loop hum). My walls are 9” thick. Double layers of sheetrock. Floors are 2 ½” thick on 2 x 8’s spanning 6’. I can drive my truck on it. I am also using a Yamaha DSP – 1000, obsolete by most standards, but the best unit that Yamaha has produced to date in my opinion. I have wired front effects & rear channel speakers with XLO model 6 speaker cables. No speakers yet. I am retired & handicapped, but I am having the time of my life. This system is far from the best available, but it is a life’s dream comes true for me. Anytime you are in my area come by & we will listen & tell fish stories.
Hi No_Money; Congrats on your new house-- soundwise, I bet you'll really like the cathedral ceiling (wish my stereo room had one). You'll have fun with speaker placement and room acoustics. With dedicated outlets, your system may sound too bright, and the cure is good quality power cords-- I use Syn. Res. Master Couplers, but there are many good ones availabe, you just have to find what works well in your system. I haven't heard proceed's CD player or pre-amp, but I believe the CD player uses the same transport mechanism as the Levinson(s). Take a look at for proceed products. They have a good web site AND complete owners manuals on-line-- I downloaded and printed a 55 page Levinson manual for my transport. Got my Levinson gear on the net-- couldn't afford it otherwise. Cheers and enjoy. Craig.
Craig, I am building a house now, and will hopefully move around jan-feb.Allready plan for a couple of dedicated lines. The new room is 15'x17' with cathedral ceilings and I am crossing my fingers that it will sound good because it is the only room in the house I can use unless I want to go nearfield. My last upgrade was the amp and after hearing that I really want to try some other proceed gear, since I will not be able to afford the Levinson stuff. Have you heard their c.d. or pre-amp? The other possibility I am looking into is a ARC LS-16, any body that has any thoughts on that vs the CJpv10a feel free to chime in. thanks
Hi No_Money; If you have room acoustics under control, good power cords, and vibration(s) under control, maybe a dedicated AC and ground system (if circumstances permit)-- the component I might look at is your CD player. But if you really like the music quality/character don't fool around with it without some specific reason to do so as it looks to me like you have a pretty nice "real world" system. But I've been where you are, and I know it's just about impossible to leave things alone. I don't know much about that model CD player, but I'm a big believer in the best quality front end I can afford, and I now use a Levinson 37 transport and 360S DAC which was a big improvement over My Muse Model 2 DAC and Sony XA7 CD player. But consider the first things I mentioned first. Happy Obsessing. Craig.
Conrad Johnson pv10a pre, Proceed hpa2 amp, cal. audio Ikon mkII cd, Transparent "super" interconects and bi-wire to Martin Logan Aerius i. Power wedge 116 for front everything except the amp. Ok guys, what is the "weak" link to upgrade next?
Levinson - all used, except the 27 amp. 38 preamp, 37 CD transport, 36 DAC, and a Genesis Digital Lens, Kimber D-60s, Kimber KGAGs, Kimber 4TC, Thiel 2.2s. The Levinson pre, trans, and DAC all replaced PS Audio components. As each Levison component was put into the system, another layer of detail was opened from the sound - and the PS Audio gear was itself good sounding stuff.
Thank you Eldragon and Carl_eber for your courteous replies. I appreciate your assistance. I really am very happy with my audio setup as currently composed. Today I placed 3 small DH Cones under my P-1A/P-3A combo and found my enjoyment level soar. The desire I expressed in my initial post for a smidgen more brightness has been satisfied by this $20 tweak. I regained the toe tappin', rhythm and drive, groove factor that the Linn/Naim folks rightly cherish. I had neglected to address this area, thinking the PolyCrystal cones under the transport, on which the Perpetual Technologies boxes rest, would be adequate. I was wrong. Actually the digital boxes are new and I have given no attention to the issue other than waiting for the units to burn in. I have not had the opportunity to see if this has somehow miraculously fixed the other imaging issue. I'm not holding my breath. I am a believer in acoustical treatments making a big difference in providing a more believable image. I tried one Michael Green PZC acoustical treatment device on the rear wall centered between the speakers on a previous iteration of my system. This device greatly improved the image qualities of the Linn Kan II speakers I was using in the same living room. The MGD PZC had been damaged in shipping and I returned the unit to the vendor. Since all this is taking place in our living room, and have a wife's aesthetic to consider, any acoustical treatment will have to be nearly invisible or very elegant. I have yet to decide whether to reorder one or more of the MGD PZC's as I continue assess/obsess how they would look in our home. Carl I would appreciate your suggestions for a better front end, actually I would appreciate anyone's suggestions/commentary. I admit to being extremely attracted to the Perpetual Technology promise of being able to use future digital standards with their products. Any commentary on the Perpetual Technology products would be appreciated. Also, Carl, I would love to have a dedicated room but have not figured out any way to add one to our home. BTW, let me know where you live and I would love to hear what you have going on. I have been "lurking" here on Audiogon for a while and have noticed your posts. I have especially interested in your commentary. NOTE to Krellpower1; if you would like to see this communication moved to another thread, please let me know.
In regards to imaging the Coincident Tech Speakers are some of the best imaging speakers i have ever heard. Carl what no invite for me to listen to your system.
In regards to imaging the Coincident Tech Speakers are some of the best imaging speakers i have ever heard. Carl what no invite for me to listen to your system.
Wellfed: If you don't have a fully acoustically treated, dedicated listening room, you need to get one. After that, think about something better than a Perpetual Technologies front end. Your desire to hear max spatial resolution without very good room treatment is just the sort of thing that would very much frustrate any dealer who truly cares how satisfied you are with your system...while ones that don't truly care don't matter anyway (which is most of them). If you are ever in my area, I want you to come hear my system at my home. I am not rich, and am not a dealer, but I gurantee you'll be glad you visited my little sonic haven. Best wishes, Carl.
I think your concerne is with, so-called "imaging" The "lines" that separate the performers. And i think this is most atributed to speaker performance? However, i am not sure about your pre-amp? I know you have a great amp's, and i wouldn't worry about them. So, i would try different pre-amp, and "listen" for the change. Also, if you can try different speakers?... i would definitelly look amongst these two, as a "gulty" party! Somebody else could give you specific recommendation for pre-amp and speakers. Good Luck!
Please disregard previous post because of formatting errors. I am looking for advice on how to improve existing system, which also happens to be the best (potentially) I have ever owned. I probably will never go back to vinyl, as the music I listen to is generally not available in this format. What I am looking to accomplish is a separation of vocalists when they are grouped in the center of the two speakers. I do not like it when the lead vocalist and backup vocalist(s) smear together in the same space. I would also like to brighten the sound just a smidgen (this desire comes and goes as various components are changed). If this is an improper forum for such a request, I apologize. Please let me know. I have been out of high-end audio for over 10 years and am just now assembling a nice system again. My components are as follow: [NAD 514 CD player used as transport (waiting for Pioneer DV-525 and envision getting Perpetual Technologies transport when available)] to [Stealth Fineline II S/PDIF silver digital cable] to [Perpetual Technologies P-1A Digital Correction Engine & P-3A DAC] to [Audiodyne Multipath Reference interconnects] to [Welborne Labs Reveille Tube Linestage preamp] to [Analysis Plus Silver Oval-In interconnects] to [Atma-Sphere M60 Mk. II amps] to [Analysis Plus Oval 9 bi-wire speaker cables] to [N.E.A.R. 50Me II speakers] Additionally I have a Denon tuner and Denon cassette deck from my 80's system. I mention these to point out the need to keep a preamp in the system. Components are on Sound Anchors rack or amp stands. I have small PolyCrystal and small DH Cones isolation cones at my disposal. I am very happy with the system with the exception of the two items noted at the beginning of this post. I suspect that room acoustics are a signifigant factor with the imaging issue. Perpetual Technologies will be offering digital speaker correction and digital room correction software upgrades for the P-1A in the future. The system is setup in our living room which has a vaulted ceiling and the room is opens to the kitchen/dining area 1/2 story above living room along the long wall. Speakers are located along the short wall about 5 1/2' apart. Any insight anyone may have will be welcome and appreciated. God bless.
Looking for advice on how to improve existing system which also happens to be the best (potentially) I have ever owned. I probably will never go back to vinyl as the music I listen to is generally not available in this format. What I am looking to accomplish is a separation of vocalists when they are grouped in the center of the two speakers. I do not like it when the lead vocalist and backup vocalist(s) smear together in the same space. I would also like to brighten the sound just a smidgen. If this is an improper forum for such a request, I apologize. Please let me know. I have been out of high-end audio for over 10 years and am just now assembling a nice system again. My components are as follow: NAD 514 CD player used as transport (waiting for Pioneer DV-525 and envision getting Perpetual Technologies transport when available)> to to to to to to to to Additionally I have a Denon tuner and Denon cassette deck. I mention these to point out need to keep a preamp in the system. Components are on Sound Anchors rack or amp stands. I have small PolyCrystal and small DH Cones isolation cones at my disposal. I am very happy with the system with the exception of the two items noted at the beginning of this post. I suspect that room acoustics are a signifigant factor with the imaging issue. Perpetual Technologies will be offering digital speaker correction and digital room correction software upgrades for the P-1A in the future. The system is setup in our living room which has a vaulted ceiling and the room is opens to the kitchen/dining area 1/2 story above living room along the long wall. Speakers are located along the short wall about 5 1/2' apart. Any insight anyone may have will be welcome and appreciated. God bless.
The best is still out there, but this is sounding good in my listening room now: BAT VK-D5 Tube CD player, BAT VK50SE preamp (love the 6H30 tubes but needs extended break-in before the preamp opens up). Levinson ML-3 amp. (yes, it's older than some who post in this thread, but VERY synergistic with the rest of my stuff!) Aerial 10t's on Aerial stands. Nordost Quattro Fil and Transparent interconnects, Transparent Music Wave Ultra speaker cable. This system has been a liftime in the making, and will never be done. To my ears, it sounds great. beemer
While working for a HIFI store, I assembled a very nice theater system for a customer. Two Threshold T400,s One Threshold T800 drive Martin Logan Monoliths L & R front, Martin Logan SL3 L & R rear, Logos center, Two B & W ASW3000 subwoofers, Lexicon processor, Ronco projector, Daylight screen, Crestron control system.
Rush Sound Monument II speakers w/custom Bubinga case work Tube Research Labs, Inc GT200 Monoblocks Tube Research Labs, Inc GTP3 preamp Sony SCD-1 Accuphase Clean Power PS1200 Fim Power Cords Murray James Interconnect The sound is unreal... I had a Quantum Symphony Pro line conditioner installed and it worked wonders, but once the Accuphase was installed it became moot. I could no longer tell if it were in or out of the system so I sold it. The Accuphase is a phenominal piece of gear.
CAT ultimate preamp Wolcott amps Muse 8 DVD transport and Muse 296 dac JPS powercords throughout JPS superconducter2 Synergistic Reference speaker cables. It took me 6 years to get here and I am extemely pleased with this for CD playback. I am still trying to get the anolog right. Had the Linn lp12 with Ekos and the sound was lean and bright. I am trying the VPI Aries, JMW 10' tonearm and the Benz Ruby H and still have the same problems. Mainly lacking bass compared to the ever so deep and tight bass from CD's. Any more suggestions?
This is an interesting thread. I'd like to comment because the BEST system I ever built was not the most ENJOYABLE I ever owned. I actually had the opportunity (or curse) to compile the system of my dreams from the considerable resources of the many High-End dealers in my locale. It involved Swiss front ends, French electronics, Dutch precious metal cables and the best American speakers ever built, all in a dedicated, customed tuned listening room. The sweet spot was very very sweet. Unfortunately, it was only 18.6 centimeters wide in a room FAR removed from the goings on of my life. So, gradually, no one listened, eventually even me. That system is GONE, replaced by merely great components that are far more versatile, far more ACCESSIBLE. And now I listen every day (especially to the tuner!). And those closest to me ENJOY.
HEAR IT IS; kharma cer 1.0 speakers, viva 845 tube monoblocks, viva tube preamp, Ensemble dac & transport, Ensemble Isolinks & Honeyplates, a mix of Ensemble, Audionote & FIM cables, Zoethucus racks.
Some of you need to get a life-with all the sniping and petty bickering that goes on with various threads by the same audiots maybe it is time to separate the girls from the men. Go play with your Barbies girls, take your egos with you and quit your damn crying.
I'll try to calm down some, then..."Back in the day", my brother and I built a lot of speaker cabinets out of plywood. They filled his bedroom. We built some for me about 11 years ago, and they now have Electrovoice 1000 watt woofers, and Eminence compression drivers. We've put them outside a few times, and played them very loud. That was very fun, and a part of me will always want to do that. I want to have a small stage firing over the swimming pool in the backyard of my dream house someday, and have bands come over and play...and of course several dedicated "highend" listening rooms and home theaters inside the house, as well. According to a few outspoken contributors to this forum, most any woman I marry in the future will be all to happy to see me do this...I can't wait...
Back in the day, when I was but a youth, I put together the following system. The cartridge was the Shure IV and it was fitted in a Mitsubishi LV5 (the one with the linear tracking arm). The pre/power amps were Luxmans. I believe the preamp was named C1000. It had both MM and MC inputs with front panel loading setting. The tone controls had multiple turnover points and it had a tilt control (similar to the Quad preamps). The power amp had big analog meters; they were rated for 120wpc. The speakers were the Bose 901s (when you're young why settle for anything less than the best?). However, what really made the system special were the dbx expander and the Audio Control equalizer (the upscale model with the RTA and calibrated microphone). Interconnects were whatever came in the box, however, I did eventually upgrade the speaker cable to a very early Monster Cable product. Sound quality -- I really don't remember, but it did go loud. And yes, it impressed the women! Am I ashamed that I had this system? Not for a second. It gave me (and my friends) alot of pleasure. I'm older now and much, much wiser.
I agree. This is no contest. And Carl, I apologize, I wasn't trying to reveal anything that you haven't already talked about her on the forum. I was just trying to have a little fun. Besides, you and Garfish Albert and the rest are regular participants. I think it's pretty normal that by now we know at least a little about the other guys systems. It means that we respect their choices and opinions and have remembered about what they've said on certain topics. That's what makes it an online community...kind of like seeing the guys at work and asking "how are the kids." I've been shopping for some MIT speaker cables lately because of your rave reviews on them (among others). So don't take offense.
No, not logical enough, F. You singled me out, after I already said that I didn't want to discuss it. I demand to know the real reason...If this is a pissing contest, so be it. Unless you are Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, I'm not scared of you.
THIS WAS NOT MEANT TO BE A P*SSING CONTEST !!!!! I do appreciate all additions to my thread and am putting together a good list of components that you ALL are using. After more systems are givien you will see where I am going with this post. Thank you all again ! Happy Listening !