The Listening Chair - What type do you use?

What type of chair do you use for critical listening? I've always believed that one with a low back is best because a high back would alter the sound back to your ears. But I've also realized that comfort also will make ones listening experience more enjoyable. I’m thinking of going more in the direction of chairs replacing my couch and I’m having a difficult time finding ones with low backs that would allow one to seat in for hours at a time. Is low back seating really that important? How many of you in search of the absolute sound have sacrificed a bit of sonic performance for more comfortable seating?

Showing 7 responses by gunbei

Marco I always get the DWR catalogs and oooh and aahhh at the pictures, but laugh at the prices. I have actually bought some closeout stuff from them though.

The first image that popped in my mind when I saw that Ox Chair was that of a woman straddling me while I'm reclining in it and her two mini monitors in my face ultra near field. That wide ram horn like head support would make a good hand brace for a stripper when she does her thang.
Hey Marco, I appreciate speakers that swing low and have pendulous bass as well. I definitely prefer a soft, natural, malleable presentation over hard, phoney eye pokers. Nothing like leaving your oily nose mark on a beautiful sternum nestled in a gorgeous northern Italian valley.
I listen to my system with my ass in a Herman Miller Aeron. I've been using one at work for almost eight years and one at home for over four. Great comfort and adjustability.

My dad uses an Ekornes Stressless chair.
Ooooh, good prices! Thanks Marco. Did you get your Le Corbusier Chaise there? Does that lounge slide/move along the metal arc on the base?
Hey Onhwy61, what's with that rug that's pitching a tent?