The Listening Chair - What type do you use?

What type of chair do you use for critical listening? I've always believed that one with a low back is best because a high back would alter the sound back to your ears. But I've also realized that comfort also will make ones listening experience more enjoyable. I’m thinking of going more in the direction of chairs replacing my couch and I’m having a difficult time finding ones with low backs that would allow one to seat in for hours at a time. Is low back seating really that important? How many of you in search of the absolute sound have sacrificed a bit of sonic performance for more comfortable seating?
Ooooh, good prices! Thanks Marco. Did you get your Le Corbusier Chaise there? Does that lounge slide/move along the metal arc on the base?
Got maple arm chair kit from Shaker Workshops. Less than 200, little more for cherry. Extremely sturdy and proper height; doesn't have the drawback of cushioned chairs like Ikea Puong that does something strange to the sound I found. The shaker chair is no breeze to assemble primarily because of weaving of the "tape" required for the seat; some sanding required.
No Gunbei, I've never bought anything from them. There are a bunch of online chic-ass-die-yuppy-scum, Italian design-addict online brothels like that selling knock-off's at great prices. DWR is another, and there is one I can't recall the name, but it has "Italy" or "Italian" in the URL. No, I got mine from a relative who didn't have room for it anymore. Yes, it slides along the arc making the position more or less upright. They're all over the place in your area. Just go fine one and sit down it it, you'll see what I mean. You won't want to get up. I'm going to request that I be buried on mine. I'm also going to request they wait till I die before they do that. I don't actually know who "they" are yet, but when I find out, I'm going to request all that.
