Tube amps with BALLS in the low end registrer ???

i am searching for a moderate power (200 to 250 WPC)tube mono block amp who got balls in the low end !!!
Any sugestions with hybrid mono block amps are welcome
Alternative from SS AMPS are : MCintosh MC 501 or the PASS X350.5 ???
Which pair of amps will be the best to drive with comfort a pair of PARSIFAL ENCORE ?
P.S.: i like a soft and WET sound !!!
Moscode 401HR you can fine tune with tubes and it has the balls you're looking for...
Second Moscode 401R - I have 2, bi-amping and they can be each used in mono-mode (switch on back) - they have huge balls - and you can make the tubes soft and wet:)
I'm confused. Moderate power tube amp (200-250 wpc)? That's HIGH power for tube amps IMHO.
Then you like it soft and wet, yet you want BALLS in the low end register? This seems to be a contradicition.

FWIW, here is a couple of recos for HIGH power tube amps (200+ wpc). Here you have the Bella EXtreme Custom
Antique Sound Labs
Hurricane and Monsoon mono bloc amplifiers
, and then there's always VTL S-400, or go all out with the VTL Sigfried's.

I own the Parsifal Encore's too, and I can't imagine why you would need all of this power, but there you go.

I've been very pleased with the bottom end on my VTL MB-450's, full and extended (as John mentioned they couldn't be called moderate power, though in triode mode they're about the power you're looking for).
why not just biamp? get a 50 to 100 watt tube amp for the top and a mega watt solid state amp for the bass. you might could save some dough by going with a digital amp for the bass.
My system have a huge balls.
And I think most of us like it soft and wet.
Bi-amping might be the way to go.....for you.

I second Kaicable's response re: Kronzilla DX. I have the KRonzilla SXi with half the power of the DX (50 watts/channel) using 90db sensitive speakers and the way the Kronzilla grabs hold of the low end and still remains extremely musical is astounding. Take Bela Fleck's Flight of the Cosmic Hippo for example. Thinking of the bass on that cut makes me smill.
I think you'll find that low end response with tube amps will correlate with output transformer design. VTL amps excel in this regard. I have a pair of VTL 300 monos which provide the most controlled and musical bass of any tube amp I've tried. They built a few model options in the 200-450 watt range.

Must say I'll add my agreement with John that 200-250 are hardly "moderate power" but I would say for ANY amp.
I too own Parsifal Encores and donÂ’t know why you would need all that power. I am using Joule Electra HeavenÂ’s Gate tube mono amps (70 wpc) and its more than enough power. If I wanted to go to a higher powered tube amp to match with the VerityÂ’s I would probably look at the big CAT amps either the stereo JL-2 or mono JL-3. Also the VAC PHI-220 or amps from VTL. Happy hunting.
If you're interested in used stuff consider the older VTL open chassis models like the mono 300's or the vintage C-J Premier 1. Also the D-250 from Audio Research. All can be found for about $2500 or less.
Post removed 
How about the wolcott p220 monoblocks? 220 watts, adjustable damping for fine tuning and excellant quality.
Kronzilla has a reputation for serious impactful bass. VTL has great bass, nice and full. My Canary CA 160 sounds awesome w/ my Parsifal Encores, awesome bass, tighter than the VTL's bass and deeper. I would definitely look at VAC as well... their higher end amps would sound great (second the 70/70 mentioned, or their 220 standards or Phi amps).
How about the wolcott p220 monoblocks? 220 watts, adjustable damping for fine tuning and excellant quality.
Rleff (Threads | Answers)
I heard this amp driving Merlin VSM loudspeakers. It was hard, dry and lifeless. Anything but the "soft and wet" sound the OP desires.

The Wolcott P220 might have different results with the Parsifal loudspeakers, but I'd recommend doing whatever it takes to listen to the combo before buying.
I don't you'll get better bass from a tube amp the CAT JL2 and JL3s. "Soft and Wet" - I don't think so, tranparent and natural maybe. You could probably work on the pre side of the house mush up the sound a bit.
I was thinking more on the high end side like a pair of LAMM M2.1,M 2.2 or even pure class A, -M 1.2 REF (LAMM)
and also the BLUE CIRCLE AUDIO BC 208, all hybrid design.
Need to be patient to get those on the used market at a fair price !!!
Perhaps he means nothing mentioned thus far costs enough to qualify as high end?
Esoteric and exotic? I don't about that, I'm not sure I even really know what you mean by that. If you want a great (one of the finest) tube amps with SS-type bass and control get the CAT. The monos are $30,000, that should be pretty esoteric and exotic - I think. On the other hand, there is a $300,000 WAVAC....
I have a CAT Ultimate preamp and it has great bass. If its an indicator of their amps, you may want to look at CAT. I also have a pair of Joule Stargates which, although they do not have slam and I don't expect them to in my setup, they do have the best bass timbre perhaps of any amp I have heard. By timbre, I don't mean boom, but I mean the underlying detail and tone and harmonics. Jeff
if you want exotic and esoteric, commission josh at to build you a custom masterpiece. i'm sure he can make you a fabulous piece of gear, though i don't think he dabbles in amps over 25 watts.
Or you could get one of these...

So far it carries the greatest low end authority of anything *I've* heard- and it can drive 2-3 ohms easily... there is a built-in tube tester and AC line regulator- it can make full power even if your line voltage sags to 100V.

FWIW there was a long-standing thread with a similar subject title...

sorry for the plug guys but this was getting a little ridiculous.
Atmasphere, your amps are among the best, but he claims to want "soft and WET", which he is unlikely to get with your stuff, or CAT for that matter; now if he wants fast,neutral, transparent and clear along with "ballsy" bass... Then again, I don't know if he is serious.
Soft and wet with ballsy bass.

Seems to me this is the wrong discussion forum for this quest...
I think LAMM M 1.2 and LAMM M 2.2 and also BLUE CIRCLE AUDIO BC 208 should mate what i am searching for ???
It depend how wet and lush i want it !!!
Don't forget that is to mate with PARSIFAL OVATION.
My front end is a CEC TLO + JADIS JS1 + CJ PREMIER 16 LS 2...
It is so funny that interesting tread ending up in a kind of war opinion !!!
12-04-07: Roccl007
I was thinking more on the high end side like a pair of LAMM M2.1,M 2.2 or even pure class A, -M 1.2 REF (LAMM)
and also the BLUE CIRCLE AUDIO BC 208, all hybrid design.

12-06-07: Roccl007
I think LAMM M 1.2 and LAMM M 2.2 and also BLUE CIRCLE AUDIO BC 208 should mate what i am searching for ???

Excellent choices. Proceed, and best of luck to you, sir.
Since you have Jadis and CJ, why wouldn't you get their high powered tube amps? I now used Lamm 2.1's on W/P 8's - enough power for me. I can suggest VAC Phi 300.1 because of a a week home demo on my system. I thought they were fantastic and may be closer to the sound you are looking to get. Let us know what you do decide.