Tube for a Noob ???

Hey all... I was hoping to get some advice on which way to go... I've been listening to digital all my life and wanted to get a taste of what tube brings to the table without changing the back end of my system... So I was thinking of either getting a turntable with a tube phono stage or getting an all tube cd player... I'll be able to run it through my processor (Classe SSP800) via analog inputs with no processing to the signal... The advantage with the cd side is I already have a library of cd's but I feel getting the turntable would be better getting that analog/tube sound I want to experience... Also does anyone know who makes a good tube cd/sacd player ? I hear that Rega makes good entry level turntables and of course need a easy to use tube phono stage... I want to be in the $1200 to $1500 budget.. And again, easy to set up and maintain...  Any help would be very much appreciated...
Um...where do you start? Are you happy with the sound you are getting? I wouldn't bother getting into vinyl. (I say this as an avid vinyl user). Tubes in CD players are only in the output stage so somewhat of a novelty. Treat yourself to a tube power amp with volume controls and source selector.
Thx noromance... yes, I enjoy what I have now but wanted to experiment with tubes. I'm 60% movies and 40% music. So tube amp is somewhat out of the question. Basically I want to know why tube lovers are tube lovers. And hope going to an analog/tube front end would give me a small taste.
Like Noromance said, "tube" CDPs use tube in the audio section; as you might expect, decoding has to be done with chips in the digital domain. There are a few companies who make or made very excellent sounding CDPs with tube-based output stages.  If you Google on "tube CD player" you will be able to identify some of them. If you don't want to invest in a tube amplifier, which is understandable if you have a multi-channel video system that is also served by the same amplifier(s), then you might acquire a tube line stage.  You will have to do the homework on that, too, to find something that suits your needs, because you have not clearly stated what those are, and because I am too lazy to do it myself.  Finally, whatever you do, don't by a cheap turntable, cheap tube phono stage, and cheap cartridge, and then dismiss tubes because you do not think the ensemble measures up to your digital gear.  Vinyl Nirvana does not come cheap or without careful selection and a little love.