Upgrading Rotel RCD-1072

I'm looking into upgrading my CDP in the near future and am looking for some opinions/advice. I'm looking in the 1 - 1.5K range, used. My speaker/amp combo is Merlin TSM-MMe and Cary SLI-80 F1 all triode.

I listen to basically everything under the sun with the exception of Country music. Mostly acoustic jazz, singer/songwriter, and prog rock. I'm mainly looking for musicality so no need for dry, over analytical players.

I am looking at a Rega or a Cary CDP but am open to more suggestions. Also, would the difference in sound be substantial or more subtle? Thanks in advance!
I went from a 1072 to a Linn Majik. I agree that "The Rotel is a tough cookie to beat w/o dropping some dinero". There is one on Audiogon ("never used") for 1.8k from an authorized dealer.

I'm happy with the change, but no doubt the 1072 is a great player.
Yea...The Rega Saturn and some Cary's sounds nice but since its already a warm player, note sure how it would synergize with a tube amp. I dont want TOO much warmth. Thus, I am being swayed toward the direction of the 840C.

Sometimes I wish their werent so many options to choose from these days. :)
I am also on the same boat as you (seems the Rotel is a freight cargo boat LOL), I am arranging a whole new system with a digital amp, and I am looking to upgrade my trusty source (1072). My first option was to get a very good DAC since I also want it with my Squeezebox, started looking at the Dacmagic but slowly made my way to a $1000 budget (benchmark 1, wyred dac1, etc). On the other hand, I also find the 840C a great option, since it seems to combine a nice player, and a great DAC that I could use for my squeezebox. I just cant figure whether the Rotel + good dac will be any better than a 840C.

Also looking for warm sound, I plan on tweaking with a tube buffer in between.....
I also own a RCD-1072 and think it's an amazing cd player especially for the coin. I have listened to the tube cary model and cannot say enough good things about it if your ready to spend much more on a better sounding cd player. I was looking at getting the audio research CD7 until I realized a good vinyl section could be put together for the same amount. Couldn't be happier!

Good luck