Used MMG's

I'm thinking about buyin a used pair of MMG's. It looks like I could get a good condition pair in the $400-450 range. Since they are so inexpensive from the factory and have the return policy, would I be better off just buying a new pair? Thoughts?
Is there anything I should look out for if I buy used?
Thanks guys.
They will sing with so many different things in so many different areas of a room that make them a no btainer purchase new at their $599 cost. Contrary to many posters on the web I find them to sound good almost wherever you place them and can't understand the WARNING comments I hear or see about these speakers. When you get to the 3.6's then
setup becomes more of an issue because of its size and pure ribbon tweeter, otherwise, man they just sound good in almost any room!

Oh. As other posts have said, buy new.
IME, you're right at the margin. I'd say that you need three feet and change to feel comfortable predicting success without much reservation. But that doesn't mean you're doomed here - there are just too many room specific variables at play to make a confident prediction. If you're buying new, just give it a shot and see what you think. You can always send 'em back if it's not working to you're satisfaction.

One more thought: The MMGs are pretty happy close to the side walls. You might think about placing them along the adjacent wall if your decor allows and it would allow you to provide more room behind the speakers.

Thanks everyone. Always appreciate the good advice.
One last thing.....I can only place them 2' from the back wall. Will they sing from that close?
Thanks again.
A fairly unusual case of robust and uniform consensus on the Gon. New it is! ;)

I think you can get 100% purchase price credit for 1 year on 'upgrade' if you buy new MMGs.....
Is this true or am I just making this up???

In any event, they are such a good deal new, I'd have to agree with everybody, above.
I agree with the previous posters that used prices for speakers usually run closer to 50% off retail price. However, I have noticed that MMGs seem to command a bit more than that and this fact bodes well for the value offered by the MMG.

Given the high resale price, I think I would buy new, get the color of my choice and have the benefit of the return policy. That is unless the $100-$150 extra is a breaking point for you.

The lack of potential hassle with purchasing new, plus the return policy would clinch the idea of purchasing new MMGs if it were me.


I paid $200 for a mint used pair, I wouldn't pay more than half of retail unless the seller could confirm that they were only a few weeks or months old.
If they are pre-owned at 400 - 450, they are way over priced, relative to 550.00 brand new from Magepan, in your choice of grill covers. Save up the extra 100 and buy new. I have a pair I bought new and set them up every so often and listen to them. They are worth more to keep them than to sell them used. The pre-owned market price should be in the neighborhood of 275-300.

Just my opinion though...
Personally, I wouldn't think about buying MMGs used unless I was at +/- 50% off. OTOH, if the savings on this offer is the difference between go/no go on your purchase, I'd think hard about pullling the trigger because these are really fine speakers at their price point.

Just make sure that you're comfortable with the realities of the MMG: limited deep bass, limited max SPL output, significant power requirements, and breathing room to the back wall. If you buy new, you get a test run - but that's not the usual deal on used gear.

Good Luck,
Like many people here, I'm a huge believer in used gear, but given the deal on the MMGs from the factory, I'd definitely do that instead, unless you must have the MMGs, and cannot possibly do it unless you go used.

Even with the best of intentions, there's way more potential for hassles with a private transaction. The return policy if you go new is also huge; Maggies, like any speaker, are not to everyone's taste, and may not work in your room.

Btw, I'd not regard the used price range you mention, at a discount of 25% to 33% off for a readily available item, as reflecting a great value. I don't know about the MMGs in particular, but used speakers are often discounted rather more.
