Volex cables - No longer belden???

I have purchased a set of Volex cables for a DIY project, but found that the cable itself is no longer Belden as it used to be, now it is named BAOHING (obviously chinese), but nonetheless, looks just the same as the Belden 19634, the specs are the same and the construction seems to be identical to the Belden (for what I´ve seen in pictures).

Does anyone have any experience with this cable? For the cost, I´d rather buy something else if these are not good. I just dont want to invest my DIY time on them if they are not worth it, although I think all cables are mostly the same. (I am not cable believer....)
(I am not cable believer....)
Demianm (Threads | Answers | This Thread)
The fact that you are asking about whether Volex is Belden and if it's good indicates you are in fact a cable believer.

Otherwise, if you believe wire is all the same...what's the point of asking the question?

The fact that you are asking about whether Volex is Belden and if it's good indicates you are in fact a cable believer.

Otherwise, if you believe wire is all the same...what's the point of asking the question?


Tvad makes a valid point.
I believe he means that he is not a believer in cables that cost hundreds or thousands of dollars making huge differences.
The cable he is referring to is probably all of $25 and worth every penny, so let's not get hung up on literalism and answer his question if we can.
No need to be smug.
06-13-10: Bnrlaw
I believe he means that he is not a believer in cables that cost hundreds or thousands of dollars making huge differences.
He didn't say that, did he? Let's not read more into what's written. When he qualifies the statement, we'll go deeper.

BTW, I own Volex power cords, and I am aware of their value. I believe I paid about $10/ea for mine about five years ago before Volex was purchased by Belden. I also own power cords costing multiples more. I have some experience in this area.
The stuff made in China is not the same as Belden. Now the Belden may have ALSO been made in China.. we do not know. The BRAND name of Belden means something to a lot of Audio cable makers. The brand name on the Volex meeans nothing except cheaper than Belden. For whatever that is worth.
The confidence you have in the product SHOULD be based on the BRAND NAME.
So if you Trust VOLEX, the just get over it. if you want Belden, then return the cable. BUT as I said, the Belden brand may have been made in China by the VERY SAME COMPANY your Volex is made by, and your cable may even be better made. Who Knows?
China has been making nerly everything for many years, and we are starting to see Chinese branding on the same products they mane for western companies.
Tvad, So, what's your point? Can you help Demianm Or not?
Rrog (Answers | This Thread)
My point is this. Demianm states in his opening post, "I think all cables are mostly the same." Then he asks for opinions about the differences between BAOHING made $15 Volex power cable, and Belden made $15 Volex cable.

I am reasonably certain that someone who does not believe there is any difference between most cables will very likely not detect any difference between these two, because there probably is none.

How much difference do you suppose there is between them?

Does it matter?

Buy some and proceed with the DIY project.

That's the point.
Belden cable still seems to believe in good quality control.Buying some strange imported cable might leave you using something of lessor quality.If the copper isn't as good or has contamination in it,down the road it may
corrode into useless wire for any purpose.
I bought a batch of them a couple of years ago, and can't really tell the origin of the cable; however they are different in appearance from some I had bought previously that were obviously Belden. In use I don't notice any difference, except that the outer insulation is a little bit stiffer. Sonically, no difference.

IMO they are still a great deal and worth using for DIY, especially for the price ($12 for a 14/3, 6'7" shielded cord).
Considering the end use is to help facilitate a high quality improvement in the sound of your system, and considering the value of your time it will take for DIY, why even mess with a standard copper cable when you can buy this very reasonably priced alternative;
Power Plus Reference Series Power Cable - Three 12 awg conductors, price per foot $6.08 pcX USD Price

DH Labs is proud to introduce the Power Plus Reference Series Power Cord. The Power Plus is constructed with the finest High Purity Copper in the world. The design of this cable combines very low series resistance, inductance, and DH Labs noise canceling geometries for immunity to outside noise.

The Power Plus features two twelve gauge conductors and a twelve gauge ground. The very low resistance of the 12 gauge conductors, combined with the cables low inductance, allows for unrestricted dynamic current delivery, while keeping noise out of your system. The cables design and custom insulation also reduces coloration and improves overall transparency.
or, if you want even higher quality, here are two using PCOCC copper;
NEOTECH - 3 Conductors 11 awg with shield AC Power Cable UP-OCC Copper NEP-3002, price per foot $19.95 pcX USD Price
FURUTECH FP-3TS20 Power cable 3x14 AWG PCOCC 2 Type Stranding, price per meter-$78.76 pcX USD Price
BTW - they are currently having a 15 percent off sale.
Tvad, I agree with Bnrlaw. When Demianm said he is not a cable believer I believe he is referring to mega buck cables. However, he is concerned about the quality of the OEM type cables he has purchased.

It was recently posted here, Mike Sanders of Quicksilver Audio will not use or sell power cords made in China. He recommends power cords made in U.S.A. because they sound better.
He recommends power cords made in U.S.A. because they sound better.
Rrog (Answers | This Thread)

Are we talking about audiophile cords, or UL approved, mass market cords? Then, the question becomes are the USA made cords assembled here with USA made plugs and USA made cable, or are some of the parts (like perhaps the wire) made in China?
Saying cords made in one country are inferior is some fantasy. Maybe twenty years ago, China cords were junk. not any more.
Pange is great, cheap as dirt, AND great. fantastic. (I own about twenty Pangea cords. pangea orgy.)
06-13-10: Rrog
What exactly is an audiophile cord?
Are you friggin' breaking my balls here or what?

Search the listings under "Power Produts:Cables" for a few examples.
Saying cords made in one country are inferior is some fantasy. Maybe twenty years ago, China cords were junk. not any more.
Pange is great, cheap as dirt, AND great. fantastic. (I own about twenty Pangea cords. pangea orgy.)

Were audiophile power cords made anywhere 20 years ago?
Wow, I did not mean to open such a debate on cables, although something deep in my mind tells me the phrase "I am not a cable believer" was a bit on purpose!

What I really meant by cable believer is that as long as you cover some obvious basic aspects (good cooper, good thickness, good shielding, some kind of braiding and most important good contacts/connectors) there is nothing more to win over that, or at least I wont be able to notice it. That is just my point of view and is the typical debate on here, which I did not intend to develop. My main concern is the quality of the cooper itself in this case, so I´d rather buy any other cable to use as raw material (since I already have sourced some good connectors). So if anyone can suggest other raw cables please let me know!

I am kinda learning everyday on the new "cheaper alternatives", the pangea options which elizabeth mentions seems attractive! I think I might go that way.
NO ONE can mention cables without opening the floor to the 'cable question' in all it's forms. and ALL the stuff that goes with it. FIERCE DEBATES every time. Can't be helped. Sorry.
A LOT of personal pride, self belief, theory, faith, rabble rousers, Jeez... a CIRCUS.
Good luck.
I just consider it a crazy waste of good money and then do it anyway, but 'cheapskate' style.
AND THEN advise others NOT to waste money on cables and spend it on the basic equipment.
So much for advice. Though I try to listen to common sense.
06-13-10: Demianm
...as long as you cover some obvious basic aspects (good cooper, good thickness, good shielding, some kind of braiding and most important good contacts/connectors) there is nothing more to win over that...
Thanks for defining your criteria.

Based on your statement, I personally see no reason to spend time discerning the fine points between Chinese Volex, or Belden or even Pangea power cable. At least as far as the Volex options are concerned, the wire is going to be designed and built as you specified, and I sincerely doubt you would be able to hear a difference in copper.

So, your quest seems to be causing some paralysis by analysis, unless you're the type who simply enjoys the research.

I say buy some power cable and proceed with your project.
What exactly is an audiophile cord?

In this photo, you will see the young audiophile (W3038), holding the audiophile cord in his (her?) lap. Note the relative thickness of the cord, as well as the braiding.
Jax2, Thanks, I understand now. You have been a great help. More than I can say for some people here. At least you provide photos. Is that the kind of cable Elizabeth was talking about?
Is that the kind of cable Elizabeth was talking about?

Yes. These cables came to be as a direct result of the legendary "Pangea orgy" Elizabeth refers to in her second post. Very astute observation. Glad to see at least someone is paying attention here!
Oh, now you guys are really getting a bit disgusting. I knew I liked you!

Big belly laugh on that one. You should go into advertising. Maybe Don Draper has something for you at his new company. If you don't know Don, I can put in a good word.
I bought a couple of Volex cords about 6 months ago. They're on my Mackie HR824's. I don't know how they compare to the older Volex cords, but they definitely made a small but noticeable improvement in sound over the stock cords.

This was my first small experiment with power cords, and I was skeptical, but it seemed to do something. After that I did end up swapping the IEC end with cheap Wattgates.