Volex cables - No longer belden???

I have purchased a set of Volex cables for a DIY project, but found that the cable itself is no longer Belden as it used to be, now it is named BAOHING (obviously chinese), but nonetheless, looks just the same as the Belden 19634, the specs are the same and the construction seems to be identical to the Belden (for what I´ve seen in pictures).

Does anyone have any experience with this cable? For the cost, I´d rather buy something else if these are not good. I just dont want to invest my DIY time on them if they are not worth it, although I think all cables are mostly the same. (I am not cable believer....)
The fact that you are asking about whether Volex is Belden and if it's good indicates you are in fact a cable believer.

Otherwise, if you believe wire is all the same...what's the point of asking the question?


Tvad makes a valid point.
I believe he means that he is not a believer in cables that cost hundreds or thousands of dollars making huge differences.
The cable he is referring to is probably all of $25 and worth every penny, so let's not get hung up on literalism and answer his question if we can.
No need to be smug.
06-13-10: Bnrlaw
I believe he means that he is not a believer in cables that cost hundreds or thousands of dollars making huge differences.
He didn't say that, did he? Let's not read more into what's written. When he qualifies the statement, we'll go deeper.

BTW, I own Volex power cords, and I am aware of their value. I believe I paid about $10/ea for mine about five years ago before Volex was purchased by Belden. I also own power cords costing multiples more. I have some experience in this area.
The stuff made in China is not the same as Belden. Now the Belden may have ALSO been made in China.. we do not know. The BRAND name of Belden means something to a lot of Audio cable makers. The brand name on the Volex meeans nothing except cheaper than Belden. For whatever that is worth.
The confidence you have in the product SHOULD be based on the BRAND NAME.
So if you Trust VOLEX, the just get over it. if you want Belden, then return the cable. BUT as I said, the Belden brand may have been made in China by the VERY SAME COMPANY your Volex is made by, and your cable may even be better made. Who Knows?
China has been making nerly everything for many years, and we are starting to see Chinese branding on the same products they mane for western companies.