VPI Aries 3 - Funk Firm 3mm Acromat

I am thinking of adding a 3mm Achromat to my VPI Aries 3 TT. I have the super platter with the screw clamp and peripheral ring clamp. I was thinking of replacing the screw clamp and ring clamp. Instead, I was thinking of using a 3mm Achromat and a heavy HRS record puck.

I was wondering if anyone has any experience or opinions on this move? 

Does anyone know how many turns on the VTA tower would equal the extra 3mm thickness of the Achromat?

VPI Aries 3, 10.5i arm, Super Platter, Peripheral ring, Single Flywheel Motor, SDS, Lyra Delos
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Showing 1 response by miner42

I preferred the Stillpoint puck over the VPI heavyweight.  For a 3mm difference in ht, the required turns on the VTA tower would be 3.78 turns (1/32"/turn).