VPI Prime and Soundsmith Zephyr MIMC Star

I'm on the steep section of the learning curve and need some help selecting a turntable.  I've got my eye on the VPI Prime with a Soundsmith Zephyr MIMC Star cartridge.  I have already begun building a system with Pass Labs amps, preamp and phono amp.  Speakers=Vandersteen 5a carbon.  My questions:  1) Is the VPI and cartridge a good match?  2) Has anyone had significant problems with the VPI table?  3) What other tables in that price range should I consider? Thanks to all for your respeonses. 
Soundsmith cartridges and VPI tonearms always work well together.  The 5A's are great speakers not just good ones...  VPI has always had stellar customer support.  I've had my VPI turntable for years and have only needed that support for upgrade improvements on the turntable.  Enjoy your system.
Sounds like a great plan. Many of us are using Soundsmith carts with our 3D arms. If you can stretch, you may want to grab a Sussuro MKII which are being heavily discounted at the moment to clear the way for new models. I am using the MIMC Star at the moment and it is a very good cartridge--one that can also be had at the moment at a steep discount. Either will work very well in that arm and will represent themselves nicely in the very high performing system that you are contemplating. Have fun!