VPI table owners, help please.

I'm using the SuperScoutmaster with VPI signature arm and Dynavector XX2 or 17D3 cartridge. I'm using an Ayre P-5xe phono stage. Was wondering what cables you guys & gals have been using (or not using because?) between your arm and phonostage? I run RCA from arm to phono. Looking in the $500.00 range new for 1m pr. Any opinions would really help.
Rest of the system is VPI SDS, Ayre K-1XE preamp, Parasound JC-1 monoblocks, and Thiel CS7.2 speakers.
I recommend Nordost Quatro Fil,almost as good as Valhalla for 1/2 the price,about 600.00 in Audiogon.
It appears that the VPI cable costs $200. Elusive Disc sells it:


It comes in other lengths. too.
Jameswei: Thanks for the help. For the time being this will probably be the way I will go. Has anyone got to compare this cable with any of the other popular phono cables out there?
I had the VPI cable, found it very ordinary, and sold it a year or so ago. Am currently using Oyaide PA-02 cables I terminate with Bullet Plugs, after going through umpteen others. Good luck, Dave