Want to get into Analog

I’m thinking of taking a plunge into analog sources by picking up a vintage DD turntable.
There seems to be an endless supply of vintage tables available on eBay and CL.

Which models would be good values for under $1000 (total budget for turntable, arm, cartridge.  Thanks.

Showing 1 response by bsimpson

My take on vinyl is that: You must be DRIVEN. It’s not only about different sound. It’s an hobby, like those cool people who purchased vintage cars and keep them up. You may invest a lot of money to spin an old record that Princeton Records wouldn’t pay $1 for it, with noises and distortions and all, but it’s endless, addictive fun.

If you are not that driven - just an curious cat, Technics made very reliable tables that sound good with very little maintenance. Perfect starter.