What amp is best?

I am looking for amps for my home theater setup. I have a proceed and a pass dealer in my area. I have nautilus 802's left and right nautilus htm1 center and 4 nautilus 805's in the rear.I am going to be using my denon 5800 for my pre. Which amps do you think would be best for my set up?

Showing 1 response by aball

I listened to a Pass X150 in the same room as a Proceed HPA-2 both playing N801s and I have to say that I loved the X150. It is expensive for 150W but man was it nice. The proceed was nice too but not quite the Pass. May not be the most cost-effective for 7 channel however.... Proceed is way more accomodating with HT. At least you have dealers in your area! I only get to visit them on business trips. Go and audition them and see what you think. Arthur