What amp is best?

I am looking for amps for my home theater setup. I have a proceed and a pass dealer in my area. I have nautilus 802's left and right nautilus htm1 center and 4 nautilus 805's in the rear.I am going to be using my denon 5800 for my pre. Which amps do you think would be best for my set up?
If you want to start with 2ch serious listening than you ought to get an integrated Unison Unico(free trial or for a misurable price for a week or so) or Plinius 8200.
I have thought about an x250 for the 802's and an x5 for the rest or an hpa3 for the fronts or an hpa2 and an amp5 for the rest.
I listened to a Pass X150 in the same room as a Proceed HPA-2 both playing N801s and I have to say that I loved the X150. It is expensive for 150W but man was it nice. The proceed was nice too but not quite the Pass. May not be the most cost-effective for 7 channel however.... Proceed is way more accomodating with HT. At least you have dealers in your area! I only get to visit them on business trips. Go and audition them and see what you think. Arthur
Keep Canada green, buy Bryston. No. I am not related in any way to that concern, save and except as a satisfied customer. Good day!
Since you have the B&W setup, I'd recommend you to look at a Sunfire Cinema Grand - the Nautiluses do like to be "fed" properly, and the Sunfire is up to the task, while also giving you the best of both worlds (or at least a decent compromise) for HT and music. You can keep your current amp for the rears and the budget relatively low.