What is the best HEAVY METAL speaker?

I know totally blasphemy question here on Audiogon. But you like what you like, right? Anyway, I know most metal music is totally compressed and recorded horrible (aka Metallica) however there is a new age of metal bands out there that are starting to change that (Opeth started with Blackwater Park). So what speakers out there can take the pounding of a double bass drum kit hitting at full throttle and give the roar of metal guitar justice. There has to be a set up that would make Glen Tipton turn his head and say hell ya!
Dep14 thank you very much for the great info.

Couple of you guys on here have mention the Tekton speakers. I am digging the design and sound these speakers are trying to make. Seems right up my alley for the sound I am trying to get my hands on. Not too mention they are within reasonable budget limits. I am going to do my research and try to find full break down specs of these speakers. For example, who makes their drivers, see the crossover design, what parts they are using in the crossovers, are the woofers in cast or stamp steel baskets, what material are the woofer cones made out of (looks like paper or some hybrid), how they brace their enclosures, what is the enclosure made out of, ect. For $3000 I am not expecting the very best components out there, but I have seen some designs done really well with budget components if the designer has done his homework. Anyone that owns these speakers break them down yet?
good to read that you are still searching for a Rocking pair of speakers.Check out Thiel or Vandersteen. These (2) brands are excellent for Rock.Keep auditioning and writing. Happy 4th of July.
anybody listen to the Tekton Impact Monitors? I have to fly with some speakers and can't do the big towers... also looking for a rock-metal-stoner speaker that will play some less than stellar recorded rock
I have been doing a lot of research lately in creating my own speakers with quality parts to meet my musical tastes. Since most speaker manufactures are aimed at customers that want smaller speakers and the look of an art piece, I figured I would have to step up and build them myself.   I am very surprised in my research that I haven't found someone else in this pursuit of the perfect heavy metal, classic rock speaker and has created their own.
@lizzardkingseattle The reason is you can't build a speaker that favors any kind of music. The properties that make a speaker good for metal will also make it good for classical or jazz. FWIW I play both on my system. IMO/IME the speaker you would want is one that is fairly efficient- since there is no good reason to make any amplifier work hard, since that just results in more distortion. You don't want distortion even though the guitar amps are making quite a lot- you just want to get the recording to sound the way it was made.
I still have the Classic Audio Loudspeakers I mentioned several years ago in this thread and they excel at metal and any other form of music. They are 98 db, 16 ohms (so easy to drive) and go down to 20Hz. The midrange driver has its first breakup at 35KHz, so it sounds very fast, detailed and very smooth.
I think atmasphere is giving you the very best advice. You may not be able to afford that particular speaker, (I can't), but try Klipsch Forte or Cornwall, or something of that ilk.