What is the best USED Speaker Under $10,000


Considering AudiogoN prices - You can buy many fantastic used $20,000+ Speakers for under the magic $10,000 level.

This is really a different topic than previous questions in this forum.

I've bought Avalon Eidolons, Joseph Audio Pearls, Wilson Watt Puppy 6's and others for (slightly) under 10K

I would love to hear from other A'goners their opinions on what are the best you can do - for under 10K (Or even a "little bit more").

Thanks for sharing your opinions!
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Showing 1 response by oilmanmojo

Picked up the audio physics caldera ii for 3500. It's an older speaker but rarely see for resale. Well reviewed in 1998 when they came out. Same drivers as the Wilson Watt. Original list near 20k. Really like them now that I have an amp to drive them.