What music do you want to play really loud?

What music do you want to crank up your system for?
I want to know the title and the artist, any type of music.
My choice is The Wall by Pink Floyd.

Showing 5 responses by tvad

Sean, it's odd, but I find I prefer to listen to Josh Groban at levels so low as to be nearly indiscernible...
Sean, do you have a particular recording of "Scheherazade" you can recommend?
02-27-06: Superhonestben
Mountain, with leslie West on geetar...wailing away
"Mississippi Queen"! Oh yes!

There was a time years back, when I cranked "Mississippi Queen" every morning at work before starting my day.

Those were the days...

Great pulls here.

I absolutely agree with "Who's Next" and "Superunkown". In fact, they'd be perfect played back to back.