What music do you want to play really loud?

What music do you want to crank up your system for?
I want to know the title and the artist, any type of music.
My choice is The Wall by Pink Floyd.
Radio Birdman, the Buzzcocks, the Vibrators and Gang of Four have all shaken the floorboards from time to time. It's the futile cry of rebellion from the box house on the box street in a suburban wasteland.
Sean, it's odd, but I find I prefer to listen to Josh Groban at levels so low as to be nearly indiscernible...
Humble Pie "Live": IDon't Need No Doctor
Johnny Winter And:The Whole Album
Jeff Beck: Goin Down
Rolling Stones: Get Yer Ya,Ya's Out.
Tim Buckley: "Live" Pleasant Street
Dave Hole: Workin Overtime