What sounds more musical than audionote equipment

My entire system is now from audionote. For the first time I do not need to worry about the technical aspects of hifi listening. But what other equipment out there can beat or match this musicality. An often misused term, by musicality I basically mean the ability to understand how the musicians interact with one another to create a whole piece. Intimately related with this and all go hand in hand is the rhythm, timing and pace must beon par in order to recreate the piece the musicians wanted. It is only then that you can get the full emotional impact of a piece of music,that feeling that makes your feet tap and your mind entranced. JUST AS THE MUSICICANS INTENDED. The musicians did not set out to provide a hifi spectacular they are driven by emotion and no matter what piece you listen to you should be able to pick this up to a greater or lesser extent.

Showing 5 responses by evita

AN is exactly as you describe, musical to the max. However, unless you're listening to chamber music or lighter fare, it does not have the dynamic weight and slam of live music. More watts are required for that. Be my guest...flame away.
Naim can give that emotion as well.
Comparing the two is apples & oranges. I like Naim gear a lot, but IMO it does not come close to conveying the realism and emotion that AN does.
We happen to have 104dB speakers, Audiojoy4. They get incredibly loud with 2 or 3 watts. But it takes FAR more power to carry the dynamic heft and slam of live music. I'm not saying you can't ENJOY the music with 3 watts. Even the 1W Berning MicroZOTL drove our speakers beautifully. But the lifelike impact--as in manipulation of air, not simply the conveyance of tone--of a six-piece jazz band, or an orchestra, simply doesn't play out fully until you gain greater control over the drivers. If you're hearing a knock on Audio Note, it ain't comin' from me. Everything is a compromise, that's all I'm saying.
Yes there will be those who will stubbonly hold onto the same manufacturer, or those that are just plainly interested in the technical aspects of the sound rather than the music itself, each to his own, but I am certain the majority are probably on the same long road that i took.
Glad you found what you like, but can't you hear the stubborness in your convictions? You're making everyone who is not on your path WRONG. This simply isn't so.
The showcase line at our local dealer is Audio Note. I've heard it numerous times, both there as well as at the homes of friends. My understanding is that Peter Qvortrup--the president of AN--has the largest private LP collection in the world. Whether that's true or not, his love for music definitely comes through in the sonics of his gear.

Away from the subject of musicality, I like the AN approach to upgrades. Starting just above the basic model of any particular component, their DACs, monoblocks, preamps & speakers can be taken through as many as 7 levels of upgrades using the same chassis. Excellent business model, in my opinion.

My only question is how does a company that sells an IC at $2800/meter not put any credence into the variability of power cords? Oh well, fair enough to let the customer decide.