What sounds more musical than audionote equipment

My entire system is now from audionote. For the first time I do not need to worry about the technical aspects of hifi listening. But what other equipment out there can beat or match this musicality. An often misused term, by musicality I basically mean the ability to understand how the musicians interact with one another to create a whole piece. Intimately related with this and all go hand in hand is the rhythm, timing and pace must beon par in order to recreate the piece the musicians wanted. It is only then that you can get the full emotional impact of a piece of music,that feeling that makes your feet tap and your mind entranced. JUST AS THE MUSICICANS INTENDED. The musicians did not set out to provide a hifi spectacular they are driven by emotion and no matter what piece you listen to you should be able to pick this up to a greater or lesser extent.
Thanks Jaybo, yes you are to a certain extent right about the musicians, but when a quality group of players get together the quality of the musicianship is even more apparent on the right system.

As for Jadis, yes they do the musicality thing as good as audio note, totally agreed. I have owned jadis monoblock amplifiers. My only gripe is a little bit of top end truncation, midbass bloom and a slight bloatedness to the midbass compared to the audio note amplifiers. This does not take away from the musicality but does just take away a little of the exciting presence that the audio notes seem to manage.
AN is exactly as you describe, musical to the max. However, unless you're listening to chamber music or lighter fare, it does not have the dynamic weight and slam of live music. More watts are required for that. Be my guest...flame away.
spectral, mac, cj, arc, naim, levinson, audio note......all are different, but all have the synergy or musicality thing. All have a history of extreme loyalty.