What would be a good turntable/tonearm/cartridge

What would be a good turntable/tonearm/cartridge combination for someone new to the world of analog, having been a long-time CD spinner? I have a nice high-end CJ tube based stereo CD system, and I am looking for something that is easy to set up and maintain. Thanks. -Steve
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Showing 2 responses by lowrider57

We need to know your budget and if your CJ has a phonostage. If not, you'll need to add a phono preamp.

Some vinyl newbies want a plug and play TT/arm/cart setup. Some want vintage (but you may need to spend money on upgrading parts, plus having it shipped by a private seller is risky).

Lastly, if your budget allows, you can buy something above entry-level that is upgradable; you can change the tonearm, platter, add a separate power supply.
The Rega RP3 TT is an example where you can start with the basics and upgrade later.


Check out a variety of TTs at Needle Doctor.
open question....What's the relationship between Music Hall and Pro-Ject TTs? Are the companies related or is MH only using their carbon fiber tonearm?